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• 	 CO-AUTHORS: You may be listed on additional abstracts as a                     GSA Code of Ethics for
  non-presenting co-author. There is no limit to the number of            Abstracts Publication and Meeting
  abstracts one can co-author.
• 	 All presenting authors, including invited speakers, are respon-
  sible for paying their abstract submission fee. All authors must        When submitting an abstract, the abstracts process will
  pay their registration fees, plus any other expenses they might       ask for your agreement to the following Code of Ethics.
  incur associated with the GSA meeting.
                                                                          Working together as a community of geoscientists, we will
• 	 Acceptance notifications are delivered three to four weeks after    continue to advance the finest science in a respectable, profes-
  the abstract deadline to allow sufficient time to make travel         sional manner. Authors will display integrity in disseminating
  arrangements.                                                         their research. Presentations will adhere to the content and
                                                                        conclusions of abstracts as submitted and reviewed. Listed co-
• 	 Enhance your professional reputation by submitting a refined        authors will have made a bona fide contribution to the project.
  abstract. Then, deliver an admirable presentation.                    Conversely, the presenter should remain gracious by offering
                                                                        collaborators the opportunity for recognition as co-authors.
                                                                        All co-authors must be aware of their inclusion and have
                                                                        accepted that recognition. Presenters must be diligent in
                                                                        preparing a polished product that conveys high-quality schol-
                                                                        arship. Submission of an abstract implies a sincere intent to
                                                                        attend the meeting.

Poster Presenters                                                        GSA Meetings
                                                                        RISE to the top.
• 	 Hours for poster presentations: Posters should be on display
  from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, with authors present 3:30–          We support Respectful Inclusive
  5:30 p.m. On Monday through Wednesday, posters should be              Scientific Events and are committed
  on display from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., with authors present 4:30–       to ensuring a safe and welcoming
  6:30 p.m.                                                             environment for all participants.

• 	 You will be provided with one horizontal, freestanding 8-ft-          We expect all meeting participants
  wide by 4-ft-high display board, and Velcro for hanging your          to abide by the GSA Events Code
  display is provided at no charge.                                     of Conduct Policy (see p. 30) in all
                                                                        venues at our meetings, including
• 	 Each poster booth will share a 6-ft-long by 30-inch-wide table.     ancillary events, field trips, and offi-
                                                                        cial and unofficial social gatherings.
• 	 Electricity is not available, so please plan your presentation

• 	 Wi-Fi will be available in the poster hall area.

• 	 Want to present your poster digitally? As a poster presenter, you
  will be given the opportunity to present your poster in a digital
  format. If you are interested, contact Nancy Wright, nwright@ Presenters are responsible for all fees associated
  with this type of presentation.

Oral Presenters

• 	 All oral presentations should be prepared using 16:9 screen ratio.

• 	 The normal length of an oral presentation is 12 minutes, plus
  three minutes for questions and answers.

• 	 You must visit the Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours before
  your scheduled presentation.

• 	 All technical session rooms will be equipped with a PC using
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