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In speaking with many geoscientists over the years, it is             was able to offer expert advice on a variety of topics, including
      quite clear—there is a strong tradition of mentorship.          the graduate school application process and potential funding
      Through their time and dedication, from research guidance       opportunities. However, the greatest impact came from hearing
      and support to important academic and corporate network-        Dr. Patino’s story, “Since the moment we met, Lina was very
ing, mentors help shape careers, and by extension, the geosci-        honest and generous in providing advice and sharing her own
ences. GSA’s On To the Future (OTF) program continues this            experiences. I was very inspired by Lina’s career, rooted in perse-
tradition of mentorship—one that has proven critical to its           verance. Being an international student in this country myself,
success. While there are many stories we can tell, we are fortu-      and with Spanish being my first language as well, helped me con-
nate to share the experience of Dr. Lina Patino, Acting Division      nect with Lina at a deeper level. I found that Lina’s advice applied
Director for the Division of Earth Sciences at the National Science   not only to my beginning scientific career as an undergraduate
Foundation, and her 2017 OTF mentee, Alba Mar Rodriguez               senior with an interest in academia, but also to my
Padilla, a senior at the College of the Atlantic.                     personal life.”

  While those who serve as OTF mentors come from a wide vari-           In the end, the impact of this mentorship experience enriches
ety of backgrounds and careers, they choose to volunteer because      both mentor and mentee. For Dr. Patino, the annual meeting is
of their experiences of mentorship and desire to give back. This is   now an opportunity to learn about the latest research, as well as
true for Dr. Patino: “I was drawn to be an OTF mentor because         “to get to know young scientists from diverse backgrounds. Their
of the role that mentors have played in my career. In particular,     excitement is inspiring and their energy is contagious; OTF is
those mentors were crucial when I attended my first professional      building a network of mentees and mentors who care about under-
meeting. It was because of these engaged mentors that I felt like     standing the Earth and also care about building a community
I belonged at the conference.” Indeed, OTF mentors play a crucial     where individuals from diverse backgrounds feel like they belong
role—for many OTF students, the GSA annual meeting is their           in the geoscience profession.” For Alba, the annual meeting was
first major scientific conference. Mentors provide support and a      just the beginning of the mentorship experience: “After GSA,
sense of inclusion by helping students navigate the annual meet-      Lina and I have stayed in touch and she has continued to be a per-
ing. For Alba, Dr. Patino’s guidance enriched her meeting experi-     son I look up to and trust. I look forward to connecting with her in
ence: “The entire time I felt that Lina wanted me to have a rich but  future meetings, and feel grateful to have been given the opportu-
easy-going experience at the conference: she introduced me to         nity to be mentored by her through OTF.”
her colleagues at the NSF booth, attended multiple oral sessions of
topics that were pertinent to my research and interests with me,        Will you help us to ensure that On To the Future continues
and invited me to oral presentations related to her work.”            providing mentorship opportunities for students like Alba? Your
                                                                      contribution will make a lasting impact in the life of a student
  OTF mentorship goes beyond meeting support, however—                and on the future of the geosciences. Contact Clifton Cullen at
students and mentors are free to explore their shared research        +1-303-357-1007 or to learn more.
interests, professional goals, as well as backgrounds and experi-     If you are interested in mentoring an OTF student, go to http://
ences. For Alba, this aspect was particularly powerful. Dr. Patino, or see page 43 of this issue.

GSA President Isabel P. Montañez addresses participants and mentors during the 2017 On to the Future welcome gathering.                     53

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