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initiated stream piracy events that reorga-   North Atlantic thermohaline circulation       early Quaternary glaciations that eventu-
nized those river systems to become the       (e.g., Teller, 1990; Licciardi et al., 1999;  ally exposed unweathered bedrock across
modern Ohio River that drains to the Gulf     Clark et al., 2001), piracy of these basins   the craton (Clark and Pollard, 1998; Clark
of Mexico (Fig. 4). An isotopic signal for    in the midcontinent and flux of that water    et al., 2006). The budget of freshwater
this reversal may be preserved in Gulf of     away from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and        delivery to the North Atlantic Ocean is
Mexico sediments (e.g., Joyce et al., 1993;   toward the Gulf of Mexico represents a        one of the major determinants of the
Shakun et al., 2016), although the clarity    permanent step-function decrease in           strength of North Atlantic thermohaline
of such a signal would be a function of       freshwater delivery to the North Atlantic     circulation (Clark et al., 2002); the strength
whether all drainages in the Midwest and      from a non-climatic source. These estima-     and structure of North Atlantic thermoha-
Appalachians were rerouted in a short         tions of drainage area shift and discharge    line circulation, in turn, plays a critical role
period of time or over multiple glaciations.  flux are based on modern morphologies         in driving global heat transfer and climatic
                                              and flow regimes; the redirection of gla-     fluctuations. For example, coupled thermo-
  As outlined here, the ancestral             cial meltwater toward the Gulf of Mexico      haline circulation and energy balance cli-
Wyalusing River was also a tributary to       following reorganization would only serve     mate models (e.g., Sakai and Peltier, 1997)
the St. Lawrence River system prior to        to further increase the significance of       demonstrate climate sensitivity to freshwa-
Quaternary glaciations. As such, a com-       drainage reorganization on freshwater         ter runoff from ice sheets. While this and
mon mechanism for the reorganization of       delivery to the Gulf of Mexico (Wickert et    similar studies explicitly investigate glacial
the Ohio and upper Mississippi Rivers         al., 2013; Wickert, 2016).                    versus non-glacial conditions during the
during the Quaternary is logical and                                                        late Pleistocene, a future avenue of investi-
appealing. The early to middle Quaternary       It has long been understood that the        gation would be to assess the effects of a
glaciations that blocked the lower St.        delivery of freshwater, and particularly      permanent step-function flux of freshwater
Lawrence drainage and caused the reorga-      fresh meltwater during glaciations, exerts    away from the North Atlantic and toward
nization of the modern Ohio River neces-      a significant control on North Atlantic       the Gulf of Mexico. This may provide
sarily would have also blocked the ances-     thermohaline circulation. Multiple studies    insight into the effect that reorganization
tral Wyalusing River in the Midwest. This     (Broecker et al., 1989; Condron and           of continental drainage systems may have
provides a single causative agent for reor-   Winsor, 2012; Ivanovic et al., 2017) have     imparted on the thermohaline circulation
ganization of drainage systems across the     shown that a large pulse of meltwater was     in the North Atlantic Ocean, thus provid-
eastern and Midwestern United States.         the mechanism that initiated the Younger      ing an alternate explanation, or contribut-
Farther to the west, evidence exists that     Dryas by reducing Atlantic Meridional         ing factor, for the change in periodicity of
the area currently drained by the Missouri    Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which         glaciations associated with the MPT.
River was modified such that the modern       led to cooler air and surface temperatures
Missouri River closely follows the MIS 2      and increased ice cover. However, previ-      CONCLUSIONS
margin, though it may previously have         ous studies have focused on the effects of
contributed additional drainage area and      a large, discrete meltwater pulse derived       Coring to resolve the elevation of the
runoff to the Gulf of St. Lawrence–           from the demise of a North American ice       bedrock surface of the Bridgeport strath
directed system.                              sheet. The data and interpretations pre-      along the lower Wisconsin River valley
                                              sented herein raise the question of the       indicates that the strath surface dips to the
Hemispheric Implications                      ability of a much smaller, though perma-      east at an estimated slope of 0.15 m/km, as
                                              nent, flux in continental runoff caused by    opposed to the westward dip of the bed-
  The area of the combined ancestral          drainage reorganization to impact North       rock floor of the valley, the modern flood-
Pittsburgh, Teays, and Wyalusing River        Atlantic thermohaline circulation.            plain surface, and all late Quaternary dep-
basins is significant, representing at least                                                ositional outwash terraces. The direct
~420,000 km2 of the modern Mississippi          For example, the middle Pleistocene is      conclusion drawn from the coring data is
River basin that has been pirated from the    noted for a step-function shift in the peri-  that incision of the lower Wisconsin River
pre-Quaternary St. Lawrence River basin.      odicity of glacial maxima from a predomi-     valley was achieved by an eastward-flow-
Because these areas are located in the rel-   nantly 41-k.y. cycle to a 100-k.y. cycle      ing river during the late Cenozoic, rather
atively humid portion of the larger           (Shackleton and Opdyke, 1976). This           than by the westward-flowing modern
Mississippi basin, they represent a dispro-   Middle Pleistocene Transition (MPT) took      Wisconsin River. Numerous geomorphic
portionately large amount of the              place between 1250 and 700 ka. Lacking a      features along the lower Wisconsin River
Mississippi River’s discharge. Analysis of    stochastic cause for this shift in glacial    valley support the interpretation of a
modern gage records indicates that these      periodicity derived directly from orbital     reversal of flow and reorganization of
pirated basins represent ~14% of the area     forcing, a deterministic mechanism is         drainage patterns at some point in the
of the Mississippi River basin yet contrib-   required. Numerous mechanisms have            past. Investigation of a buried bedrock
ute nearly one quarter of the mean annual     been proposed to explain the occurrence       valley in east-central Wisconsin confirms
discharge of the Mississippi River (Carson    of the MPT, including physical processes      that this feature represents the down-
et al., 2014), roughly equivalent to 150      associated with calving and meltwater         stream continuation of the river referred to
km3/year of water (a permanent diversion      discharge feedback (DeBlonde and Peltier,     herein as the Wyalusing River. Having
of nearly 5,000 m3/s, based on modern         1991); long-term deepwater cooling            been traced into the Lake Michigan basin,
hydrology). While this amount of fresh­       (Tziperman and Gildor, 2003); or the pro-     we conclude that this river evolved as part
water is small relative to late Quaternary    gressive erosion of regolith from the North   of the headwaters of the St. Lawrence
outburst floods that temporarily disrupted    American continent during successive

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