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               Ea r l y  r e g i s t r a t i o n  d e a d l i n e :  11:59 p.m. MDT, 1 October  visit the onsite registration desk in the Indiana Convention
               Ca n c e l l a t i o n  d e a d l i n e :  11:59 p.m. MDT, 8 October
                                                                 You can pick up your badges at the registration desk starting at 7
            Space is available on some tours, ticketed events, field trips, and   a.m. on Sat., 3 Nov. Eligible attendees should inquire for their
            short courses. Register at c o m m u n i t y .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / g s a 2018/  ribbons at the GSA information desk in the Indiana Convention
            a t t e n d e e i n f o / r e g i s t r a t i o n  now and throughout the meeting, or
                                                                Center during onsite registration hours.
                     REGISTRATION FEES                           Ea r l y  Re g i s t r a t i o n     St a n d a r d / On s i t e
                                                                   ( J u n e – 1 Oc t .)    Re g i s t r a t i o n  ( a f t e r  1 Oc t .)
                     Professional Member Full Meeting                US$ 420             US$ 499
                     Professional Member 1 Day                       US$ 255             US$ 295
                     Professional Member > 70 Full Meeting           US$ 295             US$ 380
                     Professional Member > 70 1 Day                  US$ 195             US$ 220
                     Professional Nonmember Full Meeting             US$ 610             US$ 690
                     Professional Nonmember 1 Day                    US$ 360             US$ 435
                     Early Career Professional Member Full Meeting   US$ 270             US$ 340
                     Early Career Professional Member 1 Day          US$ 165             US$ 199
                     Student Member Full Meeting                     US$ 135             US$ 170
                     Student Member 1 Day                            US$ 90              US$ 105
                     Student Nonmember Full Meeting                  US$ 190             US$ 225
                     Student Nonmember 1 Day                         US$ 125             US$ 145
                     High School Student                             US$ 50              US$ 50
                     K–12 Professional Full Meeting                  US$ 60              US$ 70
                     Field Trip or Short Course Only                 US$ 40              US$ 40
                     Guest or Spouse                                 US$ 90              US$ 99
                     Low Income Country*                              50%                 50%

            * Participants from countries classified as “ Low or Lower Middle Income Economies”  by the World Bank need only pay 50%  of the category fee for full meeting or
            one day registration. Online registration is not available for “ Low or Lower Middle Income Economy”  registrants. Please fill out a printable version of the registration
            form at and mail it to GSA, 3300 Penrose Place, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA.

                                                                GSA Section Travel Grants

                                                                    GSA Sections offer travel grants to help students attending
                                                                the meeting. Apply online ( go to c o m m u n i t y .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g /
                    GSA Meetings RISE                           g s a 2018/ f u n d i n g # t g  for a link)  by 1 October.

                            to the top.
              W e  s u p p o r t  Re s p e c t f u l  In c l u s i v e  Sc i e n t i f i c  Ev e n t s  and
              are committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming environment
              for all participants. By registering for this meeting, you
              agree to abide by the GSA Events Code of Conduct Policy
              ( w w w .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / c o n d u c t c o d e )  in all venues at our
              meetings, including ancillary events, field trips, and official
              and unofficial social gatherings.

        18                               4–7 November 2018  •  Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
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