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SPECIAL PAPER 500:                                     SPECIAL PAPER 523:
                  The Web of Geological Sciences:                         The Web of Geological Sciences:
                 Advances, Impacts, and Interactions         PUB       Advances, Impacts, and Interactions II

                        Edited by Marion E. Bickford      Ad to Come           Edited by Marion E. Bickford

            Written by leading scientists in most of the important sub-  This book is a follow-up to Special Paper 500, which was pre-
            disciplines of the geological sciences, the 19 chapters in this   pared to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the founding of GSA,
            book examine the question “What advances have been made   and whose theme was “What have we learned in the last … fty
            in the past 50 years?” Advances from 1963 to 2013 include the   years?” Three important disciplines that were not covered in the
            development and understanding of plate tectonics, exploration   … rst book are engagingly presented here: “Earth’s dynamic sur-
            of the Moon and Mars, the development of new computing and   face: The past 50‰years in geomorphology” by Ellen Wohl et al.;
            analytical technologies, and the understanding of the role of    “The metamorphosis of meta morphic petrology” by Frank‰Spear
            microbiology in geologic processes, to name but a few. Certain   et al.; and “The Archean–Hadean Earth: Modern paradigms and
            to become a frequently cited classic, this volume will be of   ancient processes” by Paul‰Mueller and Allen Nutman. Readers
            great interest to professional scientists and will be particularly   will … nd these chapters comprehensive and readable. They will
            useful for students.                                   appeal to professional scientists and especially to teachers.

                      SPE500, 611 p., ISBNŽ9780813725000                      SPE523, 237 p., ISBN 9780813725239
                               now $10.00                                   list price‰$80.00  |  member price $56.00

                                              1888  2013
                                             CELEBRATING ADVANCES IN GEOSCIENCE

                    The Web of Geological Sciences                         The Web of Geological Sciences
                     A D V A N C E S ,   I M P A C T S ,   A N D   I N T E R A C T I O N S   A D V A N C E S ,   I M P A C T S ,   A N D   I N T E R A C T I O N S   I I

                              Edited by Marion E. Bickford                           Edited by Marion E. Bickford

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