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                                         President’s Welcome

                             Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, is a perfect place to know more about karst or pseudo-karst, communi-
                             cating about hazards and risk, the latest in climate change as well as global changes with Triassic evo-
                             lution and extinctions, urban geochemistry, agrohydrology, urban systems, geoarcheology, artificial
                             intelligence, and medical geologists—the opportunities abound!

                             There is something for everyone, including papers that were the peer-judged “Best of AAPG” if you
                             want to learn about the latest in petroleum technology. These papers will be embedded in the geology
                             energy and unconventional energy sessions.

                             Talk to me in Indianapolis!
                             Robbie Gries, GSA President
                             President, Priority Oil & Gas LLC

                                    GSA Presidential Address

                                          Navigating “Me, too” in the Geosciences
                                                      Robbie Rice Gries

                       Sunday, 4 Nov., noon–1:30 p.m., Indiana Convention Center, Sagamore Ballroom 5

            We have seen the “Me, too!” movement expand across all   I believe people in the sciences have some excellent skills to
            aspects of humankind. From Hollywood where it grew legs, to   address harassment, prejudice, and gender issues. We have the
            Congress, state legislatures, the White House, to huge corporations,   scientific skills and intellect to address many societal problems,
            small businesses, sports, television personalities, the military,    and we are good at it. We use data, published studies, field trips,
            the Olympics, and, yes … to GSA.                    and in-depth conversations with experts in our disciplines to
            Before Harvey Weinstein, before something hit the proverbial   advance our knowledge. We prime the creative pumps of our
            fan—GSA was already receiving and addressing complaints   minds with these actions and techniques to find science-based
            from members who experienced harassment (ranging from bullying   solutions to nagging problems. This is second nature to the
            to sexual assault) at GSA functions and in their professional lives.  professional geoscientist.
            We launched a review of our ethics position, our obligations,    What is not second nature to all of us is how to employ these
            and our code of conduct to ensure our Society had the ability to   skills, techniques, use of experts, and data-gathering abilities in
            effectively deal with unprofessional behavior at GSA meetings,   our interpersonal relationships, including our interactions with
            field trips, and other sanctioned events. Recognizing our lack of   colleagues, staff, students, and families. But we can. And this
            good definitions and effective procedures, GSA’s initiative was   can make a bigger difference.
            timely, and good strides have been made for our Society to appro-  Let’s look at historic, sometimes reprehensible, behaviors
            priately deal with these types of inappropriate actions. We can   demonstrated by geoscientists, changes that have already been
            take “proactive measures.”                          made to counter this behavior, statistics about harassment by
                                                                scientists today, and possibilities for advancing our science
                                                                through advances in interpersonal skills and behaviors.

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