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                          Discover Indianapolis—Be Surprised,

                       Be Welcomed, Enjoy Hoosier Hospitality

             Indianapolis museums have garnered international recognition for creativity and excellence. With numerous quality and unique
                         institutions throughout the city, there is bound to be one that appeals to every interest and age.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   SPECIAL PAPER 522
            The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. Photo courtesy of
            Lavengood Photography and Visit Indy.

            For the Kids                                         The Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art. Photo cour-                                                             With its thickness of more than 15 km
                                                                 tesy of Lavengood Photography and Visit Indy.
              The world’s largest children’s museum, the Children’s                                                                                                                                of strata, covering some 200,000 km ,
            Museum of Indianapolis, provides five levels of interactive   The Indian(a) Story                                                                                                      the Belt Basin displays one of the
            exhibits and 120,000 artifacts exploring art, science, history, and   Th e  Ei t e l j o r g  Mu s e u m  o f  Am e r i c a n  In d i a n s  a n d  W e s t e r n
            culture. Over a million visitors a year come to ride the antique   Ar t  is the only museum of its kind in the Midwest, immersing                                                      planet’s largest, best-exposed, most
            carousel, dig for dinosaur bones, discover National Geographic   visitors in Western art and the many cultures of American   Special Paper 522                                         accessible, and best-preserved
            Treasures of the Earth, and stare in awe at Dale Chihuly’s 43-foot   Indians through exhibitions, performances, festivals, and hands-
            Fireworks of Glass. The Sports Legend Experience, which   on workshops. This award-winning museum offers one of the                                                                    sequences of Mesoproterozoic
            opened in the spring of 2018, allows children of all ages to run,   finest collections of its kind in the world.                                                                       sedimentary and igneous rocks.
            jump, putt, drive, and play in a 7.5-acre facility that promotes a   Uncover Indiana’s secrets through hands-on exhibits exploring the                                                 This volume focuses on research
            fun and healthy lifestyle.                          state’s diverse history at the In d i a n a  St a t e  Mu s e u m , a world-class
              Co n n e r  Pr a i r i e  In t e r a c t i v e  Hi s t o r y  Pa r k , a Smithsonian   institution constructed from Indiana limestone, steel, and glass.                             into this world-class province; kindles
            affiliate, invites guests to step back in time. Located on 200   Then venture down the street to the In d i a n a  Hi s t o r y  Ce n t e r  to dis-                                   ideas about this critical era of Earth
            acres, this living museum features an 1836 Prairietown, 1863   cover the state’s past via interactive experiences and archives.
            Civil War Journey, 1859 Balloon Voyage, and more. The park                                                                                                                             evolution; and covers aspects of the
            made Frommer’s list of “ Places to Take Your Kids Before They   Artistic Discovery                                                                                                     basin from its paleontology, mineralogy,
            Grow Up.”                                                                                                                                                                              sedimentology, and stratigraphy to its
              Rh y t h m !  D i s c o v e r y  Ce n t e r  entertains and informs through   Situated on 152 pristine acres of gardens and grounds, the
            music. This museum allows visitors to beat on drums while   In d i a n a p o l i s  Mu s e u m  o f  Ar t  is an impressive institution. The col-                                      magmatism, ore deposits, geophysics,
            learning how rhythm and percussion are part of our daily lives   lection of 54,000 works spans 5,000 years of African, American,                                                       and structural geology.
            and our history.                                    Asian, and European history, making it one of the largest encyclope-
              Th e  In d i a n a p o l i s  Z o o  signature exhibits range from the   dic museums in the country. Find Robert Indiana’s original LOVE
            International Orangutan Center to the world’s largest shark touch   sculpture here, not in Philly or New York.                                                                                      SPE522, 384 p.
            tank and Dolphin Dome.                                Those wanting a more hands-on art experience can nurture                                                                                   ISBN 9780813725222
                                                                their artistic side by taking one-night pop-up classes accompa-
              Sports Lovers                                     nied by wine and beer at the In d i a n a p o l i s  Ar t  Ce n t e r . The Art                                                         $60.00, member price $42.00
                                                                Center is also open to guests interested in perusing works by
              Th e  In d i a n a p o l i s  Mo t o r  Sp e e d w a y  Mu s e u m  captures the   other talented and creative local artists.
            rich 100-year history of the world’s fastest sport in the “ Racing   City-wide gallery tours are available on the f i r s t  Fr i d a y  o f    member price
            Capital of the World.”                              e v e r y  m o n t h . This free, self-guided art event brings visitors and           $42.00                                            toll-free 1.888.443.4472
              D a l l a r a  In d y Ca r  Fa c t o r y  uses 23,000 square feet of interac-  residents alike to galleries all around the city.                                                          1.303.357.1000, option 3
            tive and hands-on exhibits to convey the intense engineering and
            technology behind the sport.                                                                                                                                                   
              Th e  NCAA Ha l l  o f  Ch a m p i o n s  showcases all 24 collegiate
            sports and the heart and dedication it takes to be a student athlete.
                                                                                                                                                      Buy online at
        24                               4–7 November 2018  •  Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
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