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                                                Guest Program


                                                                Fiber Art

                                                                Sun., 4 Nov., 10 a.m., Penrose Guest Hospitality Suite
                                                                  Each guest will select a variety of colors from a huge assortment
                                                                of wool fibers. These colorful wool fibers are pulled, by the
                                                                guest, into various shapes and dimensions, positioned on a back-
                                                                ing and ironed to fuse them into place. This creates a one-of-a-
                                                                kind piece of art that can be inserted into a cardboard frame to
                                                                create a card to send to a loved one or friend or taken home and

            Penrose Guest Hospitality Suite
            Hours: Sun.–Wed., 4–7 Nov., 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
              We warmly welcome all members of the GSA community to
            Indianapolis!  As part of that welcome, we offer registered guests
            and Penrose Circle Invitees a comfortable Hospitality Suite for
            rest and relaxation while technical sessions are happening. As a
            registered guest, you are welcome to attend your companion’s
            technical session( s) , and you will also have admittance to the
            Exhibit Hall. Activities in the suite include complimentary
            refreshments, entertaining and complimentary educational semi-
            nars, and local experts ready to answer your questions about
            Indianapolis. Local tours and activities will also be offered for an
            additional fee. We hope that you take advantage of the tours to   Entrance Sign of Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art, in India-
                                                                napolis, Indiana. Photo by Nick Juhasz.
            learn about the area from one of the knowledgeable tour guides.
                                                                Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians
                                                                and Western Art
                                                                Mon., 5 Nov., 10 a.m., Penrose Guest Hospitality Suite
                                                                  Guests will hear the history of how and why this fantastic
                                                                museum is located in Indy as well as learn about its many
                                                                collections, special exhibits, and heritage.

                                                                Smart Shopping and Nutrition

                                                                Tues., 6 Nov., 10 a.m., Penrose Guest Hospitality Suite
                                                                  Grocery store and merchandise marketers use all kinds of
                                                                psychological techniques to entice us to buy what they want us
                                                                to buy. Learn ways to avoid some of these subtle traps, better
                                                                understand product labels, and become more educated on
                                                                overall nutrition.

            Other Indy attractions include the children’s museum. Photo courtesy of Lavengood
            Photography, Visit Indy.
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