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                         K–12 GSA Experience Comes to Indy!

            H ow  do w e rec ruit th e nex t generation of  geosc ienc e students to our f ield?
                           G et ‛em  w h ile th ey ’ re y oung!

            Building on our success in Seattle, GSA is pleased to announce
            that we will be inviting K–12 teachers from the Indianapolis area to
            bring their classes to the GSA Annual Meeting this November for the
            K–12 GSA Experience. Participating students will experience the
            diversity of geoscientists, an improved understanding of how science
            actually occurs, and their connections to that process in their current
            studies and future college and career choices by visiting the exhibits
            and poster halls.
            The K–12 GSA Experience will be available to classes on Monday,
            Tuesday and Wednesday, 5–7 Nov., between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. ( 2 p.m.
            on the 7th) . Interested teachers should complete the form at h t t p s : / /
            g o o .g l / f o r m s / w 5 OD At l j t IGf p 2h p 2 by 30 Sept. Class pre-registration is
            req uired. Exhibitors with demonstrations or content specifically of
            interest to a K–12 audience should complete the form at h t t p s : / / g o o .g l /
            f o r m s / W 0q i Yu j i D 1UF4 7 y i 1 ( for businesses, agencies, and universities) .

                     For more information, contact Dean Moosavi at, +1-303-357-1015.

                          GSA 2018                                         Saturday Indy

                    on Social Media                                           Icebreaker

            Annual Meeting attendees are listed in the Annual Meeting
            Community Directory, which is accessible only to other meeting     5–7 p.m., Indiana Convention Center, 500 Ballroom
            participants at c o m m u n i t y .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / g s a 2018/ d i r e c t o r y .   The most popular event at the Annual Meeting is the Icebreaker.
                                   Use this networking tool to search   Join thousands of industry professionals, students, academics,
                                   for and connect with colleagues.   GSA Scientific Divisions, and Associated Societies to kick off
                                   Keep the connections alive after   the Annual Meeting in Indy with beer and great company.
                                   the meeting through GSA Member
            Community discussion forums.
            New to the Member Community?  If you are logging in for the
            first time, please navigate to, select
            “ Log In”  in the upper right-hand corner of the page, and follow
            the prompts to get started. We encourage you to activate your pro-
            file and upload a photo now so that others can connect with you!

                      Follow GSA @ geosociety on Tw i t t e r  and In s t a g r a m
            and use Annual Meeting hashtag # GSA2018.

                  Fa c e b o o k —Join more than 280,000 GSA fans worldwide
                 Yo u Tu b e —Learn more about GSA and careers in the
            geosciences at

                  Li n k e d In —Network and stay connected to your
            professional peers at
            N ote:  GSA m eeting policy prohib its the use of cam eras or sound- recording
            eq uipm ent in technical sessions.

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