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                                       Presentation Information

            Your abstract acceptance e-mail will include the time and loca-
            tion of your presentation as well as whether you’ve been slated
            for a talk or a poster. If you are presenting a talk, please read the
            following information.

            Oral Presentations
            GSA strives to provide you with top-quality equipment in each
            of the technical session rooms. As you prepare your GSA oral
            presentation, please do so by using the 16:9 ratio in PowerPoint,
            or whichever presentation package you are using. To double-
            check this in PowerPoint, go to > Design, > Page Setup, and make
            sure the “ slides siz ed for”  field is set to “ on-screen show ( 16:9) .”
            •   For best results, use commonly used fonts. Remember, these are
              rental computers, and they may not support the full selection    If you have a Sunday presentation and are unable to get to the
              of fonts.                                         speaker ready room on Saturday, please take your presentation
                                                                directly to your session room at least 30 minutes before the ses-
            To  s u b m i t  y o u r  p r e s e n t a t i o n  p r i o r  t o  t h e  m e e t i n g  ( deadline:   sion is scheduled to begin.
            11:59 p.m. EDT, 31 Oct.) , please upload it to the Conference
            Exchange website;  see h t t p : / / g s a .c o n f e x .c o m / g s a / e x t r a .c g i . You   Ac c e p t a b l e  f i l e  t y p e s :  PowerPoint ( .ppt, pptx, pps, or .ppsx) ,
            will need to know your abstract ID ( see your abstract acceptance   Microsoft Word ( .doc or .docx) , or PDF ( .pdf) . If your graphics or
            notification)  and password. You can also withdraw your presenta-  video clips are not embedded in your presentation, please be sure
            tion via this site.                                 that you bring them as well. The Speaker Ready Room does not
                                                                have thumb drives available, so please be sure to come prepared.
            W e  s t r o n g l y  r e c o m m e n d  that all speakers visit the speaker
            ready room to run through presentations in order to get comfort-  Ma c  u s e r s —  p l e a s e  r e a d :  If your presentation was created on a
            able with the equipment. We recommend this also to anyone who   Mac and converted to run on a PC, please test it before you come
            uploaded their presentation early. It’s best to make sure images   to the meeting. Avoid using a rewritable CD ( CD-RW) , as we’ve
            and fonts used in your presentation work well on the rented con-  encountered compatibility problems with them. If your presenta-
            ference center equipment. Highly qualified technicians will be on   tion includes embedded video, your video will most likely NOT
            hand to offer any needed assistance. The Speaker Ready Room   play automatically on the PC platform. You will need to either
            will not have Internet service.                     convert your .mov files to .avi format or create a link in your
                                                                slide show to an external .mov file. If you choose the latter, your
                                                                animation will play in a separate Q uickTime window, outside of
            2018 Sp e a k e r  Re a d y  Ro o m  Ho u r s       your PowerPoint presentation. KEYNOTE PRESENTATION
            Indiana Convention Center, Room 201                 SOFTWARE IS NOT SUPPORTED DURING THE ANNUAL
            Sat., 3 Nov., 8 a.m.–8 p.m.                         MEETING. W e  s t r o n g l y  r e c o m m e n d  t h a t  y o u  t e s t  y o u r  Ma c -
                                                                p r o d u c e d  p r e s e n t a t i o n  on a Windows-based system b efore com-
            Sun.–Tues., 4–6 Nov., 6:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m.           ing to the meeting. If you are unable to run your Mac presenta-
            Wed., 7 Nov., 6:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.                   tion from a PC, we will be able to accommodate you. Please talk
            If  y o u  u p l o a d e d  y o u r  p r e s e n t a t i o n  o n l i n e , o r  i f  y o u  w e r e     to the technicians in the Speaker Ready Room for more
            n o t  a b l e  t o  s u b m i t  y o u r  p r e s e n t a t i o n  o n l i n e  p r i o r  t o  t h e
            m e e t i n g , please bring your presentation on a thumb drive to the
            Speaker Ready Room the day b efore your presentation. Below
            is a schedule:

            If your presentation is on:   Upload no later than:
            Sunday, 4 Nov.           8 p.m., Saturday, 3 Nov.
            Monday, 5 Nov.           6:30 p.m., Sunday, 4 Nov.
            Tuesday, 6 Nov.          6:30 p.m., Monday, 5 Nov.
            Wednesday, 7 Nov.        6:30 p.m., Tuesday, 6 Nov.

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