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                                                                    Campus Connection

                                                                      B ringing Students and Schools Together
                          The Geological Society of America ®
                                                                     Indiana Convention Center, Exhibit Hall I

                                                                 GSA’s Campus Connection provides an excellent opportunity for
                                                                students to meet face-to-face with representatives from top
                                                                geoscience schools. This four-day event saves students time and
            Congratulations to the 2018 On To the Future ( OTF)  travel   travel expenses, giving the schools a chance to meet with some
            awardees. GSA recently awarded over 70 travel grants to a group   of the best student geoscientists in the world in a relaxed,
            of students from diverse backgrounds to attend their first GSA   informal setting. For a preliminary list of schools, see
            Annual Meeting. OTF students are chosen based on their com-  h t t p s : / / b i t .l y / 2No Ey Cz .
            mitment to pursuing a career in the geosciences, merit, and
            financial need.
            Help one of these students navigate their first
            professional meeting by signing up to serve as a mentor at
            h t t p : / / b i t .l y / 2q 0i CCT.

            On  To  t h e  Fu t u r e  Ev e n t s
            The following events require OTF awardee attendance:
            Showcasing the Best You: A Writing Workshop to Help You
            Gain Internships, Fellowships, and Jobs: Sat., 3 Nov. Time TBD.

            OTF Group Photo: Sun., 4 Nov., 6:15 p.m.
            OTF Gatherings: Mon., Tues., and Wed., 5–7 Nov., 7:30 a.m.
            Diversity and OTF Alumni Reception: Tues., 6 Nov., 5:30 p.m.

            Ce l e b r a t e  D i v e r s i t y  a t  t h e  D i v e r s i t y  a n d  On  To  t h e  Fu t u r e    Notice of GSA
            Al u m n i  Re c e p t i o n
            Tues., 5:30–7 p.m., Indiana Convention Center, Room 211   Council Meetings
            Everyone is welcome at this celebration of diversity sponsored
            by the GSA Diversity in the Geosciences Committee. Socializ e   2018 GSA An n u a l  Me e t i n g  &  Ex p o s i t i o n
            and share ideas at this informal gathering for those interested in   Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
            broadening diversity in the geosciences. On To the Future attend-
            ees, OTF research grant awardees, and minority scholarship     D a y  1:   Saturday, 3 Nov., 8 a.m.– noon
            recipients will be recogniz ed, with a special presentation by the
            Randolph W. “ Bill”  and Cecile T. Bromery Award for the
            Minorities recipient. Appetiz ers and a cash bar provided.     D a y  2:   Wednesday, 7 Nov., 8 a.m.– noon

                                                                  GSA Headquarters Hotel: JW Marriott*
                                                                  10 S. West Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, USA
                                                                  All GSA members are invited to attend the open portions
                                                                  of these meetings.

                                                                  * Meeting room to be announced. Updates will be posted on the
                                                                  GSA website.

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