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           COMPANY                             BOOTH NUMBER      COMPANY                             BOOTH NUMBER
           Purdue University                               217   University of Nevada–Las Vegas                  432
           Real World Globes                               833   University of Notre Dame                        242
           Rice University                                 143   University of Oklahoma School of Geology and Geophysics   448
           Rigaku Americas Corp.                           811   University of Pennsylvania                      122
           Ruen Drilling Inc.                              718   University of South Carolina                    337
           Rutgers University Earth & Planetary Sciences Dept.   244  University of Southern California Dept. of Earth Sciences   238
           San Diego State University                      338   University of Tennessee–Knoxville, EPS 306     444
           SciAps Inc.                                    209    University of Texas at Austin Jackson School of Geosciences   333
           Science is Never Settled                        733   University of Texas at Dallas                   434
           Sensors & Software Inc.                         115   University of Texas at El Paso                  149
           SEPM ( Society for Sedimentary Geology)        407    University of Toledo                            248
           Sigma Gamma Epsilon                             439   University of Wisconsin–Madison                 343
           South Dakota School of Mines and Technology    442    U.S. Science Support Program, IODP              101
           Springer                                        518   Virginia Tech Dept. of Geosciences              232
           Syracuse University                             139   Waveland Press                                  219
           Texas A&M University                            332   West Virginia University                        342
           Texas Tech University                           243   Western Michigan University                     438
           The Clay Minerals Society                       102   Wiley                                           814
           The FOSSIL Project                              118   Wink Vibracore Drill Co. Ltd.                   538
           The Geological Society of London                615   Western Kentucky University, Center for Human
           The Ohio State University, Earth Sciences       636     GeoEnvironmental Studies                      109
           The Paleobiology Database                      225    W.W. Norton & Company Inc.                      414
           The Paleontological Society                    229    Yale University Dept. of Geology & Geophysics   133
           Thermo Fisher Scientific                        301   Yellowstone Bighorn Research Association ( YBRA)    634
           Treatise on I nverteb rate Paleontology        223
           UNAVCO Inc.                                    706
           University of Alabama                           237
           University of Alaska Anchorage                  235   EX HIBITS
           University of Ariz ona Geosciences Dept.        345   Ex h i b i t  Ha l l  Ho u r s  a n d  Op e n i n g  Re c e p t i o n
           University of Connecticut Center for Integrated Geosciences   147
           University of Delaware                         234    Su n d a y
           University of Florida Dept. of Geological Sciences   349  Exhibit Hall open: 2–7 p.m.
           University of Idaho, Geological Sciences        334   Exhibits Opening Reception begins at 5:30 p.m.
           University of Kansas                            142   Mo n d a y – Tu e s d a y
           University of Memphis                           148   Exhibit Hall open: 10 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
           University of Michigan                          137   L ib ations and Collab orations beer receptions: 4:30–6:30 p.m.
           University of Mississippi                      446
           University of Missouri                          145   W e d n e s d a y
                                                                 Exhibit Hall open: 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

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