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                               Career Development Events for Students

                                      and Early Career Professionals

                                                 GEOCAREERS DAY

            All GeoCareers Day events will be held on Sun., 4 Nov., in   10–11:30 a.m.: Ca r e e r  Me n t o r  Ro u n d t a b l e s :  Mentors from non-
            Indiana Convention Center ( ICC)  Sagamore Ballroom 4. All-  profits, industry, government, and academia will answer your
            inclusive fee: US$ 25. Registration is strongly suggested and   career questions at table stations around the room.
            space is limited. This event is targeted toward undergraduate   Noon–1 p.m.: Ca r e e r  Pa t h w a y s  Pa n e l :  Representatives from
            students, but all students and early career professionals are    government and industry sectors will answer questions and offer
            welcome. 8–9 a.m.: Ge o s c i e n c e  Ca r e e r  W o r k s h o p :  Before    advice in preparation for a career in these fields. Lunch provided.
            you jump into the job search process, gain an understanding of
            the current geoscience workforce data, including salary, employ-  The follow ing tw o GeoCareers Day events m ay b e attended
            ment trends, and projections. Presenters will also review the fun-  separately:
            damentals of crafting a winning ré sumé  and how to best utiliz e   Ge o s c i e n c e  Ca r e e r  W o r k s h o p :  US$ 10 fee if attending sepa-
            the USAJOBS database for applications for federal employment.  rately. Registration strongly suggested. Contact GSA Sales &
            9–11 a.m.: Co m p a n y  a n d  Ag e n c y  In f o r m a t i o n  Se s s i o n :  Agency   Service at + 1-800-443-4472.
            and company booths will be set up to answer your career ques-  Ca r e e r  Pa t h w a y s  Pa n e l :  Free. Lunch is included but limited to
            tions. Learn about each unique work culture and types of intern-  first-come, first-served. All-day participants receive priority.
            ships and careers available.

                                     NETWORKING AND PANEL EVENTS

            W o m e n  i n  Ge o l o g y  Ca r e e r  Pa t h w a y s  Re c e p t i o n :  Sunday,    Th e  Pa l e o n t o l o g i c a l  So c i e t y  Me n t o r s  i n  Pa l e o n t o l o g y  Ca r e e r s
            4 Nov., 5:30–7 p.m., ICC, Mentoring Center, Room 206-207   Lu n c h e o n :  Monday, 5 Nov., noon–1 p.m., Rock Bottom Restaurant
            This informal gathering begins with remarks from a few key   This student luncheon features a panel of mentors representing
            women speakers who will address issues faced by women in   a variety of colleges, universities, museums, and government
            geology. A networking session follows, providing time for shar-  agencies.
            ing ideas and getting to know other women geoscientists. No reg-
            istration is required.                              W o m e n  Ri s i n g  Ne t w o r k i n g  So c i a l :  Monday, 5 Nov., 5:30–
                                                                7 p.m., ICC, Room 204
            Ea r l y  Ca r e e r  Pr o f e s s i o n a l s  Co f f e e :  Monday, 5 Nov., 9–10 a.m.,   This informal social extends the discussions and connections
            ICC, Mentoring Center, Room 206-207                 from the Pardee Session: W om en Rising:  Rem oving B arriers and
            This informal gathering will include remarks from representa-  Achieving Parity in the Geosciences. Professionals, students,
            tives of several non-profits who have activities of interest to early   department chairs, and program managers working to be inclu-
            career professionals. There will be time for networking and shar-  sive of all talents are encouraged to attend.
            ing ideas on how these organiz ations can best serve you. No
            registration is required.                           Hy d r o g e o l o g y  D i v i s i o n  St u d e n t  Me n t o r i n g :  Tuesday, 6 Nov.,
                                                                2:30–4:30 p.m., ICC, Sagamore Ballroom 4
            Ne t w o r k i n g  Re c e p t i o n :  Monday, 5 Nov., 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.,    In a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere, this gathering will begin
            ICC, Mentoring Center, Room 206 -207                with remarks from hydrogeologists in a variety of career fields,
            This reception provides students and early career professionals   including government, industry, and academia. A roundtable
            with an exciting opportunity to network with more than 40 geo-  mentoring session follows, providing time for individuals to
            science professionals. The mentors will answer questions, offer   network, share ideas, ask questions, and discuss careers in
            advice about career plans, and comment on job opportunities   hydrogeology.
            within their fields.

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