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            Mentoring Activities at the Meeting                 •   Ré s u m é  Me n t o r :  Review student ré sumé s and provide advice
                                                                  and guidance on building a winning ré sumé .
            GSA has a tradition of offering a variety of mentoring opportu-  •   W o m e n  i n  Ge o l o g y  Me n t o r :  Mentor students and early career
            nities at the meeting, whether you are a student, early career pro-  professionals as they navigate the key issues women face in the
            fessional, professional, or retiree. Consider being a mentor or a   geosciences.
            mentee at GSA 2018.
                                                                GSA Mentoring Center
            NEW Annual Meeting Mentorship
                                                                 Stop by the new mentoring center in the Indiana Convention
            Be paired with a mentor/mentee for the duration of the meeting.   Center, which will be open Mon.–Tues., 9 a.m.–5 p.m and Wed.,
            These pairings are self-directed using an online mentoring plat-  9 a.m.–3 p.m. Check the onsite mentoring center schedule to
            form. Create your profile and become a mentor or mentee right   participate in the following events and activities:
            away at h t t p s : / / r o c k .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / m e n t o r / .  •   Po s t  o r  v i e w  j o b s :  Bulletin boards will be available for posting

            Short-Term Mentoring Options                          jobs, internships, and opportunities for students and early
                                                                  career professionals.
            Mentor groups of students and early career professionals at spe-  •   Ré s u m é  Re v i e w  Cl i n i c :  If your ré sumé  needs a good review,
            cific events. These require at least a one-hour commitment from   bring it with you and have a professional look it over.
            mentors. Learn more and sign up for one or more of these one-  •   Ca r e e r  w o r k s h o p s :  A variety of topics, such as successfully
            on-one and/or short-term mentoring activities at      applying to GSA student opportunities, applying to graduate
            b i t .l y / 2Gl Be n V.                              school, and exploring an array of geology careers, will
            •   D r o p - In  Me n t o r s h i p :  Work with one student or early career   be covered.
              professional on a first-come, first-served basis to provide aca-  •   D r o p - i n  m e n t o r i n g :  If you have questions that you would like
              demic and career pathway advice.                    answered one-on-one, stop by and receive mentoring advice
            •   Ge o Ca r e e r s  Ta b l e  Me n t o r :  Attend a portion of the   from a variety of geology professionals.
              GeoCareers Day events that focuses on careers in industry and   •   Ne t w o r k i n g  e v e n t s :  GSA’s popular networking reception, early
              government. Help students and answer questions in a small-  career coffee, and women in geology programs will all be held
              group format.                                       in this space.
            •   Ne t w o r k i n g  Re c e p t i o n  Me n t o r :  Address questions posed by   •   Ex h i b i t o r  p r e s e n t a t i o n s :  Exhibitors will answer questions
              students and early career professionals, offer advice about   on employment with their company and the day-to-day of
              career plans, and comment on job opportunities within your   their careers.
              geology employment sector.

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