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Award, the Distinguished Service Award, and, to students, the
            Best Publication Award. Learn more at r o c k .g e o s o c i e t y
            .o r g / Ge o He a l t h .

            The Ge o l o g y  a n d  So c i e t y  Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n  ( est. 2003;  ~ 362
            members)  advances the concept of “ geology working for society”
            by providing GSA members with opportunities to bring together
            multiple fields of geoscience to address important societal issues.
            This Division actively hosts interdisciplinary symposia at
            national and regional meetings, provides forums to help its mem-
            bers effectively communicate with decision makers and the pub-
            lic, encourages student achievement in helping to inform public
            policy by sponsoring a Best Student Presentation Award at the
            national meeting, and honors professional achievement in
            enhancing public policy by presenting a Distinguished Lecture at
            the annual meeting. The Division also works closely with the
            Geology and Public Policy Committee to develop and distribute
            GSA position statements. Learn more at c o m m u n i t y .g e o s o c i e t y
            .o r g / g s o c d i v i s i o n .

            The Ge o p h y s i c s  a n d  Ge o d y n a m i c s  Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n  ( est.
            1971;  ~ 571 members)  facilitates the presentation and discussion
            of the ideas of scientists interested in geophysics, fosters commu-
            nication among geophysicists and other earth scientists, and pro-
            motes research and publication. This Division sponsors the
            George P. Woollard Award and lecture for outstanding contribu-
            tions to geology through the application of the principles and
            techniques of geophysics. For students, the Division offers the
            Allan V. Cox Student Research Award and the GSA Geophysics
            and Geodynamics Division Student Research Award. Learn more
            at w w w .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / g s a / d i v i s i o n / g e o p h y s i c s / h o m e .a s p x .

            The Ge o s c i e n c e  Ed u c a t i o n  Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n  ( est. 1991;  ~ 831
            members)  fosters the active participation of GSA members in all
            aspects of earth-science education. The Division complements
            and expands on the contributions of GSA’s Education,
            Communications, and Outreach group, the National Earth
            Science Teachers Association ( NESTA) , the National Association
            of Geoscience Teachers ( NAGT) , the National Science Teachers
            Association ( NSTA) , and other similar organiz ations. It sponsors
            the Biggs Earth Science Teaching Award and a Distinguished
            Service Award. Learn more at c o m m u n i t y .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g /
            g e d i v i s i o n .

            The Hi s t o r y  a n d  Ph i l o s o p h y  o f  Ge o l o g y  Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n
            ( est. 1976;  ~ 349 members)  works to encourage the study and
            communication of the philosophy and history of geology. The
            Division sponsors technical sessions at GSA meetings and honors
            geologists for their research, writing, and historical work through
            the Mary C. Rabbitt History of Geology Award, the Gerald M.
            and Sue T. Friedman Distinguished Service Award, and the
            History & Philosophy of Geology Student Award. Learn more at
            c o m m u n i t y .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / h i s t p h i l d i v .

            The Hy d r o g e o l o g y  Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n  ( est. 1959;  ~ 1,353 mem-
            bers)  focuses on the geologic aspects of hydrogeology, the role of
            geology in the hydrologic cycle, and the importance of hydroge-
            ology to society and science. The Division has a well-established
            mentor program ( John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology)

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