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for students looking at careers in this field. The Birdsall-Dreiss
                                                          Distinguished Lecturer honorees are named by this Division,
                                                          along with the O.E. Meinz er Award, the George Burke Maxey
                                                          Distinguished Service Award, the Kohout Early Career Award,
                                                          and the Hydrogeology Division Student Research Grant Awards.
                                                          Learn more at c o m m u n i t y .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / h y d r o d i v i s i o n .

                                                          K a r s t  Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n  ( est. 2014;  ~ 306 members) : The study
                                                          of karst terranes necessarily involves a wide variety of subjects
                                                          and specialties, spanning almost every Division in GSA and sci-
                                                          entific disciplines outside of GSA’s purview. These include geol-
                                                          ogy, biology, microbiology, soils, environmental geology, engi-
                                                          neering, geology, geochemistry, geophysics, structural
                                                          geomorphology, archaeology, urban planning, climatology,
                                                          paleoclimatology, meteorology, hydrology, speleology, and even
                                                          planetary studies. Comprehensive karst studies also can require
                                                          the assistance of cave explorers and mappers, cave divers, math-
                                                          ematicians, modelers, and computer programmers. In all cases,
                                                          practitioners in each discipline bring with them their own experi-
                                                          ences, perspectives, insights, tools, and scales of reference. Learn
                                                          more at c o m m u n i t y .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / k a r s t d i v i s i o n .

                                                          The Li m n o g e o l o g y  Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n  ( est. 2002;  ~ 269 mem-
                                                          bers)  encourages research on both ancient and modern lakes
                                                          around the world, the collaboration of scientists from all disci-
                                                          plines on lake research, and the fostering of student research and
                                                          careers in lake studies. The Division sponsors the Israel C.
                                                          Russell Award and the Kerry Kelts Student Research Award.
                                                          Learn more at r o c k .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / l i m n o .

                                                          The Mi n e r a l o g y , Ge o c h e m i s t r y , Pe t r o l o g y , a n d  Vo l c a n o l o g y
                                                          Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n  ( est. 2009;  ~ 1,891 members)  promotes aware-
                                                          ness, teaching, and research in these fields and stimulates discus-
                                                          sion about the knowledge, ideas, research results, and problems
                                                          regarding these fundamental areas of the earth sciences.
                                                          Annually, the Division sponsors a Distinguished Geologic Career
                                                          Award and two student research grant awards. Learn more at
                                                          c o m m u n i t y .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / m g p v d i v i s i o n .

                                                          The Pl a n e t a r y  Ge o l o g y  Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n  ( est. 1981;  ~ 735
                                                          members)  fosters interactions among planetary scientists, facili-
                                                          tates the presentation and discussion of their research and ideas,
                                                          stimulates communication with other earth scientists, and pro-
                                                          motes planetary geology to a broad audience. Awards sponsored
                                                          by the Division include the G.K. Gilbert Award, the Ronald
                                                          Greeley Award for Distinguished Service, and, for students, the
                                                          Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award, the Stephen E.
                                                          Dwornik Awards for best student presentations at the annual
                                                          Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, student travel grants,
                                                          and ( jointly with the Meteoritical Society)  the Pellas-Ryder
                                                          Award for the best student-authored paper in planetary science.
                                                          Learn more at r o c k .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / p g d .

                                                          The Q u a t e r n a r y  Ge o l o g y  a n d  Ge o m o r p h o l o g y  Sc i e n t i f i c
                                                          D i v i s i o n  ( est. 1955;  ~ 1,445 members)  facilitates communication
                                                          among scientists in these fields and the presentation of their
                                                          research and ideas to the wider scientific community. Several
                                                          awards are given by this Division, including the Distinguished
                                                          Career Award, the Kirk Bryan Award, the Gladys W. Cole

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