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Memorial Award, the Farouk El-Baz  Award for Desert Research,
                                                                and the J. Hoover Mackin, Arthur D. Howard, and Marie
                                                                Morisawa student research awards. Learn more at c o m m u n i t y
                                                                .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / q g g d i v i s i o n .

                                                                The Se d i m e n t a r y  Ge o l o g y  Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n  ( est. 1985;  ~ 1,369
                                                                members)  works to ensure the presentation of sedimentary-
                                                                related topics and sessions at GSA meetings and actively nurtures
                                                                the work of students by offering the Sedimentary Geology
                                                                Division Student Research Grant Award and Student Poster
                                                                Awards and by providing financial aid for students to attend
                                                                Division-sponsored short courses and field trips. It also offers the
                                                                Laurence L. Sloss Award for outstanding accomplishments in
                                                                sedimentary geology and contributions to GSA and cosponsors
                                                                the Stephen E. Laubach Research in Structural Diagenesis Award
                                                                ( alternating with the Structural Geology and Tectonics Scientific
                                                                Division) . Learn more at c o m m u n i t y .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g /
                                                                s e d i m e n t a r y g e o l o g y d i v .

                                                                The So i l s  a n d  So i l  Pr o c e s s e s  Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n  ( est. 2017;
                                                                ~ 207 members)  works on issues with particular solutions that
                                                                include land stewardship, water quality and quantity, carbon
                                                                cycling, and paleoclimate reconstruction. The evolving soils
                                                                community is expanding beyond traditional links with agricul-
                                                                ture and pedogenic processes and ( re-) connecting with geosci-
                                                                ences. The Division heightens the visibility of shallow Earth’s
                                                                processes and invites collaboration between the soils and geosci-
                                                                ences communities. It also offers numerous advantages and
                                                                opportunities for the professional preparation of broadly trained
                                                                current and future students focusing on biosphere processes.
                                                                Learn more at h t t p s : / / b i t .l y / 2t Mj l d T.

                                                                The St r u c t u r a l  Ge o l o g y  a n d  Te c t o n i c s  Sc i e n t i f i c  D i v i s i o n  ( est.
                                                                1980;  ~ 1,698 members)  focuses on the geometry and mechanisms
                                                                of natural and experimental deformation at all scales and works
                                                                to promote the research of scientists in these fields and to facili-
                                                                tate communication and discussion at all levels of the earth sci-
                                                                ences. The Division offers a Career Contribution Award for
                                                                advancement of the science of structural geology and tectonics,
                                                                an Outstanding Publication Award, and a Division Student
                                                                Research Grant Award. It also cosponsors the Stephen E.
                                                                Laubach Research in Structural Diagenesis Award ( alternating
                                                                with the Sedimentary Geology Scientific Division) . Learn more
                                                                at r o c k .g e o s o c i e t y .o r g / s g t .

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