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           GSA is soliciting applications and nominations for science co-editors with  OPENINGS

            four-year terms beginning 1 January 2020. Duties include: ensuring stringent peer
            review and expeditious processing of manuscripts; making   nal acceptance or
            rejection decisions after considering reviewer recommendations; and maintaining   2020
            excellent content through active solicitation of diverse and de  nitive manuscripts.  FOR


             GEOLOGY Research  interests  that complement those of  the
             continuing editors include, but are not limited to: energy geology,
             engineering geology, geomorphology, neotectonics,  paleobotany,
             paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, paleontology, paleoseismicity,        Geology }   3 positions
             Quaternary geology, sedimentary geology, seismology, soils,
             stratigraphy, tectonics, volcanology.
                                                                                    GSA Books }    1 position
             GSA BOOKS Editor duties include soliciting high-quality book
             proposals and ensuring that proper peer review procedures are
             followed by volume editors. Editors handle the entire peer-review      Lithosphere }  1 position
             process for authored volumes. The successful candidate will have
             a wide range of interests and expertise, prior editing experience,
             and a strong publication record.                                      GSA Bulletin }  1 position
             LITHOSPHERE Research interests that complement those of the
             continuing editors include, but are not limited to: geochronology,
             geodynamics, petrology, Precambrian geology, structural geology,
             tectonics.                                                              A SUCCESSFUL
                                                                                     EDITOR WILL HAVE
             GSA BULLETIN Research interests that complement those of the            }  a broad interest and
             continuing editors include, but are not limited to: geochemistry,         experience in geosciences,
             geochronology, geomorphology, mineralogy, paleoclimatology,               including familiarity with
             Quaternary geology, stratigraphy, thermochronology, volcanology.          new trends;
                                                                                     }  international recognition
             Note that candidates should not feel they must have expertise in every    and familiarity with many
             area listed; however, editors will sometimes need to handle papers        geoscientists and their
             outside of their main disciplines.                                        work;

                                                                                     }  a progressive attitude
                                                                                       and a willingness to take
            INTERESTED?                                                                risks and encourage
            }  Submit a curriculum vitae and a letter describing why you (or your nominee)
             are suited for the position to Jeanette Hammann,  }  experience with online
                                                                                       manuscript systems and
            Editors work out of their current locations at work or at home. The positions   the ability to make timely
            are considered voluntary, but GSA  provides an annual stipend and funds for   decisions; and
            of  ce expenses. DEADLINE: First consideration will be given to nominations
            or applications received by 29 March 2019.                               }  a sense of perspective
                                                                                       and humor.

                                        FUTURE OPENINGS (terms begin January 2021):
       24 GSA Today  |  March-April 2019
                    GSA Bulletin (one position), Geology (one position), Lithosphere (one position), GSA books (one position).
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