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                                                               Advocates: Suzanne OConnell; Ken Miller; David Mallinson;
          T81. Hello (Ancient) World!: Exploring the           James D. Wright
          Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Interval by                Scientific Ocean Drilling, an international ocean discovery
          Quantitatively Probing the Rock Record               program, has been seminal in developing our understanding of
          Disciplines: Stratigraphy, Precambrian Geology, Sediments,   earth systems. This session will provide an overview of past and
          Carbonates                                           current accomplishments and highlight future opportunities.
          Advocates: Akshay Mehra; Bolton Howes; Ryan Manzuk
            Neoproterozoic to Cambrian strata contain ambiguous and   T85. Laurentian Evolution during the Late
          enigmatic signals of a tumultuous time in earth history. How can  Mississippian to Early Permian: Interactions
          novel quantitative data collection and analysis techniques help   and Feedbacks between Tectonism, Climate, and
          decode the events of this interval?                  Sedimentary Systems
                                                               Cosponsors: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology);
             T82. Chemostratigraphy: Physical and              GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division
          Temporal Applications                                Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic, Structural Geology, Tectonics/
          Cosponsors: North American Commission on Stratigraphic   Tectonophysics
          Nomenclature; SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)  Advocates: Daniel M. Sturmer; Tandis S. Bidgoli; Mike Blum;
          Disciplines: Stratigraphy, Geochemistry, Paleontology,   Gerilyn S. Soreghan; Ryan J. Leary; Paul J. Umhoefer; M. Elliot
          Biogeography/Biostratigraphy                         Smith
          Advocates: Richard H. Fluegeman; Robert W. Scott; Carlton E.   In this session, we seek to explore the interplay of tectonism,
          Brett; Brian R. Pratt                                climate, and sedimentation during the Late Mississippian to
            This session will focus on the use of chemical records pre-  early Permian in Laurentia. We encourage contributions from
          served in sedimentary deposits for correlation, but will also   the depositional system scale to the plate scale.
          showcase other applications of chemostratigraphy in the solution
          of diverse geologic problems.                              T86. Inverting Source from Sink:
                                                               Decoding Sedimentary Records of Climate,
             T83. Advances in Using Sedimentary Data to        Erosion, and Vegetation
          Constrain the Timing and Rates of Geologic           Cosponsors: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
          Events and Processes                                 Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Soils and
          Cosponsors: GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA    Soil Processes Division; GSA Karst Division
          Geochronology Division; GSA Structural Geology and   Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic, Geomorphology,
          Tectonics Division                                   Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography
          Disciplines: Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Tectonics/  Advocates: Joanmarie Del Vecchio; Troy Ferland; Sarah A.
          Tectonophysics                                       Schanz; Matthew Cross Jungers
          Advocates: Theresa M. Schwartz; Matthew A. Malkowski;   Climate, vegetation, and erosion stories of the past are told
          Glenn R. Sharman                                     through sedimentary records that comprise the interactions
            We encourage abstracts that highlight innovative uses of sedi-  between these very forces. How can we disentangle the causal
          mentary data (e.g., isotopic, geochronologic) to constrain the   relationships between these factors?
          timing and rates of geologic events and processes. Studies
          focused on a broad range of geologic time scales, settings, and   SEDIMENTS, CARBONATES
          methods are welcome.
                                                                     T87. GSA Sedimentary Geology Division/
          SEDIMENTS, CLASTIC                                   SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
                                                               Student Research Poster Competition: Dynamics
             T84. Scientific Ocean Drilling’s Impact on        of Stratigraphy and Sedimentation (Posters)
          Geoscience: Past, Present, and Future                Cosponsors: GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; SEPM
          Cosponsors: GSA Continental Scientific Drilling Division; GSA   (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
          Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division; GSA Geochronology   Disciplines: Sediments, Carbonates, Sediments, Clastic,
          Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Geoscience   Stratigraphy
          Education Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics   Advocate: Amy L. Weislogel
          Division; GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;   Students (at any level) may present posters of original research
          GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology   on any topics within sedimentary geology: carbonates, clastics,
          Division; GSA International; Cushman Foundation; GSA   chemical sediments, and ancient and/or modern systems. Posters
          Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Hydrogeology Division;   are judged for monetary awards distributed at the “Seds and
          GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; SEPM (Society   Suds” reception.
          for Sedimentary Geology)
          Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic, Paleoclimatology/
          Paleoceanography, Tectonics/Tectonophysics

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