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          PLANETARY GEOLOGY                                    T93. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Ten Years

          T88. The InSight Mission to Mars: Geology of         Exploring the Moon
          the Landing Site                                     Cosponsor: GSA Planetary Geology Division
          Cosponsor: GSA Planetary Geology Division            Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics,
          Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geomorphology        Volcanology
          Advocates: John A. Grant; Matthew P. Golombek; Sharon A.   Advocates: Jeffrey B. Plescia; Mark S. Robinson; Jaclyn D. Clark
          Wilson; Nicholas H. Warner                            Recent observations have fundamentally changed our view of
            This session will use lander and/or orbital data to explore the   the Moon; it is an even more complex body than previously rec-
          range of geomorphic processes, including impact, eolian, and   ognized. The session focuses on the recent discoveries, arising
          mass wasting, that modified the surface of the InSight landing   new questions, and future measurements.
          site on Mars.
                                                               T94. Impact Cratering: A Most Penetrating
          T89. The G.K. Gilbert Award Session                  Geologic Process
          Cosponsor: GSA Planetary Geology Division            Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA
          Discipline: Planetary Geology                        Continental Scientific Drilling Division; GSA Geophysics and
          Advocates: Bradley J. Thomson; Sharon A. Wilson; Emily S.   Geodynamics Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry,
          Martin                                               Petrology, and Volcanology Division; GSA Structural Geology
            This session will honor the 2019 winner of GSA’s Planetary   and Tectonics Division
          Geology Division’s G.K. Gilbert Award, highlighting recent   Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Structural Geology, Petrology,
          contributions in the awardee’s field of research.    Metamorphic
                                                               Advocates: Jeffrey B. Plescia; Christian Koeberl
          T90. The Big Picture from Small Bodies: Dwarf         Impact cratering is a key geologic process across the solar
          Planets, Asteroids, and Comets                       system. This session focuses on the geologic, geochemical, and
          Cosponsor: GSA Planetary Geology Division            geophysics signatures of impacts, impact flux, and implications
          Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geomorphology, Structural   for geologic evolution.
          Advocates: Jennifer E.C. Scully; Debra L. Buczkowski; David   T95. Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution
          A. Williams; Kynan H.G. Hughson                      of Mars: Insight into the Climate History of the
            We welcome presentations about Vesta, Ceres, Pluto, Ultima   Red Planet
          Thule, Bennu, Ryugu, 67P, and more, using data from   Cosponsors: GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Soils and
          spacecraft, telescopes, models, and laboratories to learn about   Soil Processes Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and
          the objects themselves and the evolution of the solar system.  Geomorphology Division
                                                               Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geomorphology, Stratigraphy
          T91. Shake ’n Break: Volcanism and Tectonism         Advocates: Sharon A. Wilson; Marisa Palucis; Nicholas P. Lang;
          through the Solar System                             Elena Favaro
          Cosponsor: GSA Planetary Geology Division             This session welcomes abstracts on fluvial, alluvial, and
          Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Volcanology, Tectonics/  lacustrine landforms that use orbital and/or rover data to
          Tectonophysics                                       investigate the geomorphology, geology, and climate history of
          Advocates: Debra L. Buczkowski; Paul K. Byrne; Christian   Mars, as well as related Earth analogue studies.
          Klimczak; Danielle Y. Wyrick
            This session solicits abstracts on volcanic, tectonic, or    T96. Friends of Hoth: Episode IV—Bodies of the
          volcano-tectonic landforms and processes on solar system    Outer Solar System
          bodies, and encompasses surface geology, interior and thermal   Cosponsor: GSA Planetary Geology Division
          evolution, and comparative planetary studies with observational,   Discipline: Planetary Geology
          experimental, or theoretical approaches.             Advocates: Emily S. Martin; D. Alex Patthoff
                                                                We welcome abstracts relating to surface, impact, structural,
                        T92. Remote Sensing of Mineralogy      and tectonic processes; interior and thermal evolution; and
          on the Earth and Planets                             planetary analogs as they pertain to solid bodies in the outer
          Cosponsor: GSA Planetary Geology Division            solar system. This includes experimental, observational, and
          Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Mineralogy/Crystallography,   theoretical approaches.
          Economic Geology
          Advocates: John C. Mars; William H. Farrand          T97. Dynamic Moon: Redefining Surface
            Remote mapping and characterization of surface mineralogy   Evolution with a Decade of Lunar
          has been enabled through hyperspectral remote sensing.   Reconnaissance Orbiter Observations
          Applications and examples of detailed mineralogical information   Cosponsor: GSA Planetary Geology Division
          derivable through these technologies will be presented.  Disciplines: Planetary Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics/

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