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Left: Fireweed meadow with Mendenhall Glacier and the Towers. Photo by Gillfoto (Kenneth J. Gill) via Wikimedia Commons. Right: Tracy Arm, Alaska.
Photo by Peter Mulligan via Wikimedia Commons.
and further tested with dynamic landscape and stratigraphic mod- way, notable views around some of the deepest fjordland in
els. This transdisciplinary meeting is intended to bring together North America will incite discussion about fjord formation and
sedimentologists, geomorphologists, landscape and stratigraphic sedimentation dynamics. Tours to Tracy Arm typically culmi-
modelers, as well as paleoclimatologists to showcase the current nate in front-row seats to the Twin Sawyer glaciers to observe
state of research, demonstrate contemporary evidence and meth- ice-calving and iceberg formation.
ods from studies worldwide, and underline the research concerns All nights will be spent at the Westmark Baranof Hotel, which
remaining in our community. is a 15-minute drive from the Juneau International Airport (JNU).
Juneau is only a few hours’ flight from several large, international
1. From source to sink: tracing erosional signals;
2. Beyond the mainstream: continental deposition and erosion ATTENDEES AND ESTIMATE COSTS
outside fluvial systems; The registration fee is estimated at US$950–US$1200 and will
3. Cycles, thresholds, and feedbacks: the evolving atmosphere cover the cost of the meeting, hotel lodging for six nights (double
and biosphere; occupancy; single occupancy may be possible with additional
4. From ice to the ocean; fees), the icebreaker reception, all lunches, coffee breaks, and
5. Closing the gap: emergent tools and techniques for integrating poster refreshments, the mid-meeting conference dinner, and
earth-surface process and solid earth datasets across different transportation and meals for the first field trip. The second field
time scales; trip is optional; this cost is not included in registration and will
6. Moving forward: innovations in data sharing, visualization, be determined at a later date based on the number of interested
and modelling to understand landscapes and climate; and participants. Airfare is not included, and participants must make
7. History matters: Reconciling tectonic, climate, and erosion their own travel arrangements.
PRELIMINARY AGENDA Application period opens: 1 March
This seven-day meeting will start with an icebreaker in the eve- Application deadline: 15 May
ning of Sunday, 4 August, in the city of Juneau, nestled within the Registration deadline: 7 June
Coast Mountains of southeast Alaska, USA. It will end in fjord- The conference will be limited to 70 participants, and each
land, at the feet of Tracy Arm tidewater glaciers on the afternoon participant will have to commit to attending the first full six days
of Saturday, 10 August. The meeting will balance between invited of the conference, with an option to attend the field trip on the last
talks, roundtable discussions, pop-ups, and poster presentations, day. To apply, please put together:
with the first field trip occurring mid-week. 1. A brief statement of your interests and the relevance of your
The mid-week field trip is structured to travel from the gla- recent work to the conference themes (max. 300 words);
ciated Coast Mountains to fjordal marine sinks and, in doing 2. The tentative title of your proposed presentation;
so, touch upon some of the dominant erosional and transport 3. An NSF-style (or similar format) curriculum vitae; and
processes discussed during the meeting. This region of south- 4. Your contact information.
east Alaska is similar in setting to the beautiful Glacier Bay
National Park to the west. Set within the Coast Mountains, Submit your application to the conveners at
Juneau features the Juneau Ice Field (including Mendenhall .au with “CLAST2019_Lastname.Firstname” as the subject
and Taku glaciers), abundant fjordland landscapes, uplifted title. Interested graduate students, underrepresented research-
glaciomarine sediments, some of the fastest ongoing glacial ers, and early career faculty are especially encouraged to
isostatic adjustment (~3 cm/yr), fault-controlled fluvial mor- apply. Once you have been selected to participate, you will be
phology, and a rich history of gold mining and salmon fishing. sent registration information.
The field trip on the last day, via high-speed catamaran in
Tracy Arm, will involve a casual geologic tour through the For more information please visit the conference website at
structure and evolution of the Coastal Shear Zone. Along the 65