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“Please keep helping more students come to GSA—

                                      we need your support!”

            Your support makes On To the Future (OTF) a pivotal pro-  Meeting, but continues to provide professional support and
          gram that enables a cohort of diverse students to attend their   friendship. This experience inspired Ángel to serve as a
          first GSA Annual Meeting. Through the generosity of GSA   mentor during the GEOPATHS-IMPACT: Professional
          members, both as mentors and donors, OTF continues to engage   Development Pathways to Diversifying the Geosciences
          these students in ongoing career development and leadership   Workforce workshop for OTF students at the 2018 GSA Annual
          opportunities. As we approach the program’s seventh year, we   Meeting. Ángel is particularly grateful to GSA Foundation
          asked OTF alumni to reflect upon their experience with the pro-  supporters: “Donor support of OTF means that more students
          gram and its continued impact in their geoscience careers.  from diverse cultural, academic, and financial backgrounds
                                                               can go to the national meeting and become part of the society.
                            For Crystal Tulley-Cordova, OTF    Please keep helping more students come to GSA—we need
                           2014, principal hydrologist for the Navajo   your support!”
                           Nation, “Participating in OTF allowed me
                           to be introduced to others like me, under-            Maria Bonilla, OTF 2018, recently
                           represented individuals in the geosciences.         accepted a position with the Texas
                           Attending my first GSA Annual Meeting               Commission on Environmental Quality—
                           reaffirmed to me I have a unique perspec-           a decision that was directly impacted by
                           tive and contribution to offer to the geosci-       her OTF experience. During a speaker
                           ences as a Native American.” Crystal has            panel on geoscience careers, Maria was
                           remained active in GSA, presenting                  inspired by an environmental geologist:
          research at the joint Rocky Mountain–Cordilleran Section             “I had the opportunity to gain insights on
          Meeting in 2018, and deepening her commitment to mentoring           the types of work in the environmental
          undergraduate and graduate students across disciplines. For          field, as well as how to prepare and stand
          Crystal, there is no question, “OTF increases diversity in the   out during my job search. I was also exposed to research that
          geosciences and encourages participants to present their   sparked my interest in hydrogeology. Since then, I have been
          research, network with attendees, and to stay engaged with the   involved with projects in understanding and managing water
          scientific community.”                               resources.” Maria remains active in GSA and is excited to serve
                                                               as an OTF mentor in the future: “OTF creates a sense of belong-
                            Ángel A. García Jr., OTF 2015, visiting   ing in an organization with over 22,000 members, and it is an
                           assistant professor at James Madison   important program to support underrepresented minorities.”
                           University, is grateful for the comprehen-
                           sive support OTF provided: “Participating   Crystal, Ángel, and Maria have benefitted from your
                           in GSA as an OTF student opened many   support—will you help continue this legacy? Your generosity
                           opportunities. Besides the financial sup-  cultivates the next generation of geoscientists and provides oppor-
                           port the program offers and is much appre-  tunities to underrepresented communities in the geosciences.
                           ciated, being paired with a mentor during   Make your gift today! You can give online at gsa-foundation
                           the Annual Meeting is really beneficial.    .org/donate, or to discuss in-depth ways that you can support On
                           I cannot stress more how important this is.”   To the Future, please contact Clifton Cullen at +1-303-357-1007 or
          Ángel’s OTF mentor not only helped him navigate the Annual


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