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                                       Submitting an Abstract

          Abstract submission deadline: Tuesday, 25 June, 11:59 p.m. PDT  ORAL PRESENTERS
          Submission fee: US$50 for professionals; US$25 for students  • The normal length of an oral presentation is 12 minutes plus
          Begin at   three minutes for questions and answers.
          For detailed guidelines on preparing your submission, please   • You must visit the Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours before
          view “preparing an online submission” at https://gsa.confex   your scheduled presentation.
          .com/gsa/2019AM/categorypreparation.cgi.             • All technical session rooms will be equipped with a PC running
                                                                Windows 7/MS Office 2016.
          TWO-ABSTRACT RULE                                    • Presentations should be prepared using a 16:9 screen ratio.
          • You may submit two volunteered abstracts, as long as one of
           the abstracts is for a poster presentation.
          • Each submitted abstract must be different in content.   ABSTRACTS SUBMISSION CODE OF ETHICS
          • If you are invited to submit an abstract in a Pardee Keynote   Working together as a community of geoscientists, we will
           Symposium or a topical session, the invited abstracts do not   continue to advance the finest science in a respectable, profes-
           count against the two-abstract rule.                sional manner. Authors will display integrity in disseminating
                                                               their research. Presentations will adhere to the content and con-
          POSTER PRESENTERS                                    clusions of abstracts, as submitted and reviewed. Listed co-
          • You will be provided with one horizontal, free-standing 8-ft-  authors will have made a bona fide contribution to the project.
           wide by 4-ft-high display board and Velcro for hanging your   Conversely, the presenter should remain gracious by offering
           display at no charge.                               collaborators the opportunity for recognition as a co-author. All
          • Each poster booth will share a 6-ft-long by 30-inch-wide table.  co-authors must be aware of their inclusion and have accepted
          • Electricity is available for a fee.                that recognition. Presenters must be diligent in preparing a pol-
          • Wi-Fi will be available in the poster hall area.   ished product that conveys high quality scholarship. Submission
          • Posters should be on display from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sun-  of an abstract implies a sincere intent to attend the meeting.
           day, with authors present 3:30–5:30 p.m. On Monday through
           Wednesday, posters should be on display from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.,
           with authors present 4:30–6:30 p.m.
          • Want to present your poster digitally? As a poster presenter, you
           will be given the opportunity to present your poster in a digital
           format. Information on this will be provided in the acceptance
           notices. Presenters are responsible for all fees associated with
           this type of presentation.

             Request an Annual Meeting Press                      “I just loved it so much!! This was my
             Release                                                 first GSA and I had such a blast!
               Each year, GSA works to highlight scientific presenta-
             tions from the Annual Meeting that may be of wider inter-   I learned so much and met so many
             est beyond the GSA community. If you are presenting    great people, everything was very
             new research that you would like to share with science
             journalists and the audiences they write for, please let us      well organized!”
             know well in advance of the meeting. Submit a press       —Feedback from GSA 2018 Indy
             release request at

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