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Explorations from                                                                                                                            IN PRESS

              Aquifers to the Arctic

                                                         SPECIAL PAPER 541
                          Special Paper 541
                                                         Circum-Arctic Structural Events: Tectonic Evolution of the
                 Circum-Arctic Structural Eventsentsents  Arctic Margins and Trans-Arctic Links with Adjacent Orogens
                 Circum-Arctic Structural Ev
                 Circum-Arctic Structural Ev
                                                         Edited by Karsten Piepjohn, Justin V. Strauss, Lutz Reinhardt, and
                  Tectonic Evolution of the Arctic Margins and Trans-Arctic Links
                            with Adjacent Orogens        William C. McClelland
                                                         The circum-Arctic region has received considerable attention over the past
                                                         several decades with vigorous debate focused on topics such as mechanisms    Waterfall Gullfoss, Iceland, by Brennan T. Jordan.  Seco Creek sinkhole, Edwards Aquifer, Texas, by Geary M. Schindel.  Monte San Vicino and the hamlet of Coldigioco, Italy, by
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Alessandro Montanari.
                                                         for opening the Eurasian and Amerasian basins, the importance of plume-
                                                         related magmatism in the development of the Arctic Ocean, and mechanisms    FIELD GUIDE 54                  MEMOIR 215                          SPECIAL PAPER 542
                                                         for ancient terrane translation along the Arctic margins. In recognition of the
                                                         25th anniversary of the Circum-Arctic Structural Events program, an international   Iceland: The Formation and Evolution   The Edwards Aquifer: The Past,   PENROSE CONFERENCE VOLUME
                                                         polar research effort organized and led by Germany’s Bundesanstalt für   of a Young, Dynamic, Volcanic      Present, and Future of a Vital Water   250 Million Years of Earth History in
                                                         Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, this volume presents results from 18 major
                                                         field expeditions involving over 100 international geoscientists from a broad   Island—A Field Trip Guide   Resource                            Central Italy: Celebrating 25 Years
          Circum-Arctic Structural Events:
                                                         spectrum of disciplines, focusing on the Proterozoic to Cenozoic tectonic   By Brennan T. Jordan, Tamara L. Carley,   Edited by John M. Sharp Jr., Ronald T.   of the Geological Observatory of
                                                         evolution of the circum-Arctic region with correlations to adjacent orogens.  and Tenley J. Banik           Green, and Geary M. Schindel        Coldigioco
         Tectonic Evolution of the Arctic Margins and Trans-Arctic Links with Adjacent Orogens
                                                         SPE541, 686 p., ISBN 978-0-8137-2541-3                                  This field trip was created as a companion to the   The Edwards is one of the great karstic aquifer   Edited by Christian Koeberl and
                Edited by Karsten Piepjohn, Justin V. Strauss, Lutz Reinhardt, and William C. McClelland  $120.00  |  member price $84.00  session “The Formation and Evolution of Iceland:   systems of the world. It supplies water for more   David M. Bice
            New                                                                                                                  Processes,” convened at the Geological Society   than 2 million people and for many agricultural,   For more than 100 years, studies at the Umbria
                                                                                                                                 Magmatic, Tectonic, and Geomorphological
                                                                                                                                                                     municipal, industrial, and recreational uses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and Marche Apennines have led to new ideas
                                                                                                                                 of America 2019 Northeastern Section Meeting
                                                                                                                                                                     Written by recognized experts of the Edwards,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and a better understanding of the past, such as
                                                                                                                                 held in Portland, Maine, USA. This guide will be
                                                                                                                                                                     this memoir presents the current state of
               in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary
                                                                                                                                 most valuable when used to supplement active
                                                                                                                                                                     knowledge of the aquifer and addresses new
             GSA Store                         Contents                                                                          exploration of the Icelandic countryside and    and emerging challenges to its wise use.   event, or the events across the Eocene–Oligocene
                                                                                                                                                                                                         transition from a greenhouse to an icehouse
                                                                                                                                                                     The volume also covers some of the new
                                                                                                                                 its outcrops, and it is a useful resource
                                                                                                                                                                                                         world. The Umbria-Marche Apennines are entirely
                                                                                                                                                                     technologies that might be adopted to address
                                                                                                                                 for those seeking to learn more about Iceland’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                         made of marine sedimentary rocks, representing
                                                                                                                                                                     current and future challenges.
                                                                                                                                 geology as seen in the field.
                                            Foreword by Patrick Lachassagne
                                             Foreword by Michel Bakalowicz  The Art of Finding Springs, Second Edition           FLD054, ISBN 978-0-8137-0054-0      MWR215, 27 chapters, ISBN 978-0-8137-1215-4  a continuous record of the geotectonic evolution
                                                                                                                                                                                                         of an epeiric sea from the Early Triassic to the
                                              Translator’s Notes  SPECIAL PAPER 539  Abbé J.-B. Paramelle  •  Trans. by P. Bobeck  A Translation of L’Art de Découvrir les Sources, Seconde Édition
                                            THE ART OF FINDING SPRINGS                                                           ]                                                                       Pleistocene. The book includes reviews and
                                             Introduction to the Translation
                                            Foreword to the Second Edition [1859]
               The Art of Finding Springs, Second Edition: A Translation        By Abbé Jean-Baptiste Paramelle                                                                                          original research works accomplished with
                                            Preface to the First Edition [1856]
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the support of the Geological Observatory
                                                I. Hills
                                                                                 Translated by Patricia Bobeck
                                            II. Depressions on the Earth’s Surface
                     of L’Art de Découvrir les Sources, Seconde Édition                                                                             GSA 2020 Calendar:                                   of Coldigioco, an independent research and
                                            III. Internal Structure of the Earth
                                              IV. Unstratified Rocks
                                              V. Stratified Rocks
              By Abbé Jean-Baptiste Paramelle; translated by Patricia Bobeck                                                          Enjoy inspiring images of Moor Reef, Mount Vesuvius viewed         educational center, which was founded in an
                                             VI. Examination of High Places
                                             VII. Examination of Hillslopes
                                             VIII. Examination of Lowlands                                                                                                                               abandoned medieval hamlet near Apiro in 1992.
                                           IX. Examination of Flowing Water Bodies
          Jean-Baptiste Paramelle (b. 1790) published The Art of Finding Springs in 1856 as a                                          from Pompeii, ‘Akaka Falls, Grand Canyon, and more!  $9.95
                                            X. Meaning of the Word “Spring”
                                          XI. Erroneous Opinions on the Origin of Springs
                                        XII. Responses to Erroneous Opinions on the Origin of Springs
           “how-to” manual—a compilation of observations and experiences gained during                                                                                                                   SPE542, 28 chapters, ISBN 978-0-8137-2542-0
                                            XIII. The True Origin of Springs
                                              XIV. How Springs Form
             his career in water exploration. Between 1832 and 1853, Paramelle had found
                                         XV. Underground Pathways That Groundwater Follows
                                             XVI. Where to Dig for Water
         groundwater (his “springs”) in more than 10,000 places in France; his observational
                                        XVII. How to Determine the Depth of an Underground Watercourse
                                       XVIII. How to Determine the Volume of an Underground Watercourse
                                      XIX. Rock Types Favorable for the Discovery of Underground Watercourses
            method was a scientific advance over water-finding methods used earlier in the   The Art of Finding Springs, Second Edition  •  A Translation of L’Art de Découvrir les Sources, Seconde Édition
                                      XX. Rock Types Unfavorable for the Discovery of Underground Watercourses
                                      XXI. Volcanic Rocks That Are Unlikely to Contain Underground Watercourses
            nineteenth century. The 32 chapters of this volume, carefully translated from its
                                     XXII. Friable Rocks Where Underground Watercourses Are Not Likely to Be Found
                                     XXIII. Rock Types That Lack Water Because of Their Structure or Lack of Cohesion
          original French by Patricia Bobeck, include topics such as definitions of landforms,
                                          XXIV. Mineral, Thermal, and Periodic Springs
                                            XXV. Potable and Non-Potable Springs
         rock types, advice on how to observe geology and landforms in the field, discussion   Cross section of a vale                           SHOP ONLINE  AT
                                        XXVI. Methods for Clarifying Turbid Underground Watercourses
                                                                                                whose bottom is filled
                                          XXVII. How to Exploit Underground Watercourses
                                                                                                with transported
                                        XXVIII. Underground Watercourses That Appear Late or Not at All
          of the water cycle and spring formation, how to determine the depth and volume of       material.
                                          XXIX. Ways to Compensate for Lack of Groundwater
                                           XXX. Origin and Development of This Theory
             groundwater, where to look and where not to look for groundwater, and more.
                                       XXXI. Underground Watercourses Found on the Basis of This Theory
                                      XXXII. Ancient and Modern Methods of Finding Underground Watercourses
                                       Appendix. References Cited by Paramelle in The Art of Finding Springs
                                       SPE539, 127 p., ISBN 978-0-8137-2539-0
                                              $58.00  |  member price $40.00  ®
                                                          ISBN: 978-0-8137-2539-0
                                3300 Penrose Place  ■   P.O. Box  9140   539    Special Paper 539                                toll-free 1.888.443.4472  |  +1.303.357.1000, option 3
                                Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA
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