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          Francisco State University; Jeff Schinske, Foothill College; Heather   Imaging Facility; Arizona State University Ronald Greeley
          Macdonald, College of William & Mary. Cosponsors: National   Center for Planetary Studies.
          Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT); Geo2YC Division of
          NAGT; GSA Geoscience Education Division; SAGE 2YC.                528. Making Geoscience Animations and
                                                               Videos and Assessing Them in the Classroom. Sat., 21 Sept.,
                        525. Student and Young Professionals   9 a.m.–5 p.m. US$155. Limit: 30. CEU: 0.5. Instructors: Robert
          Career Workshop. Sat., 21 Sept., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. US$20. Limit:   Stern, University of Texas at Dallas; Jeffrey Ryan, University of
          100. CEU: 0.7. Instructors: Dawn Garcia, Celeritas Consulere;   South Florida; Ning Wang, University of Texas at Dallas; Siloa
          Bill Greenslade, Matrix New World Engineering. Cosponsors:   Willis, University of Texas at Dallas.
          American Institute of Professional Geologists Arizona Section;
          Stantec Inc.                                                      529. Scientific Writing Skills for Geologists
                                                               Whose Native Language is Not English. Sat., 21 Sept., 8 a.m.–
          526. Teaching Quantitative Structural Geology. Sat., 21 Sept.,   noon. US$107. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4. Instructor: Patricia Bobeck,
          9 a.m.–5 p.m. US$20 (a GSA bookstore voucher for US$20 will   Geotechnical Translations.
          be given upon completion of the course). Limit: 30. CEU: 0.7.
          Instructors: David Pollard, Stanford University; Stephen   530. Thinking Scientifically in a Changing World.
          Martel, University of Hawaii.                        Sat., 21 Sept., 1–5 p.m. US$40. Limit: 30. CEU: 0.4. Instructor:
                                                               Doug Lombardi, University of Maryland. Cosponsor: National
             527. Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with   Science Foundation.
          ArcGIS. Sat., 21 Sept., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. US$20 (a GSA bookstore
          voucher for US$20 will be given upon completion of the course).   531. Petroleum Systems Fundamentals. Sat., 21 Sept.,
          Limit: 30. CEU: 0.7. Instructors: Zoe Learner Ponterio, Cornell   1–5 p.m. US$25. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Keith
          University Spacecraft Planetary Imaging Facility; David Nelson,   Mahon, Chesapeake Energy; Zach Miller, Anadarko Petroleum.
          Arizona State University Ronald Greeley Center for Planetary   Cosponsors: Chesapeake Energy; Anadarko Petroleum.
          Studies. Cosponsors: Cornell University Spacecraft Planetary

               Publishing your work is important, but how

               do you go about it?                                                        Back for
               Led by experienced GSA science editors, this workshop focuses on the bigger    its seventh
               creative picture. Learn how to:                                               year!
               • frame and structure your work for publication,
               • write an attention-getting cover letter,
               • choose the right journal for your work,
               • and more!
               Plus, hear from experts on what constitutes a good review and how you would benefit from being a reviewer.
               This highly successful workshop for early career geoscientists on the process of preparing and publishing
               papers will be held at the 2019 GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. More information and a link
               to the application is at

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