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                        If you are entering the job market or are supporting someone who is and want more information
                      about career pathways in the geosciences, plan to attend one or more of the GeoCareers events below.

                         • Pre-Meeting Webinars (Aug./Sept.)    • GeoCareers Panel Luncheon (Sun.)
                         • Career Workshop (Sun.)               • Résumé Bank & Interviews (Sun.–Wed.)
                         • Company Lightning Talks (Sun.)       • Company Connection (Sun.–Wed.)

                                         Visit the GeoCareers Center

                              Phoenix Convention Center, Sun.–Tues., 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Wed., 9 a.m.–noon

                         • Career Information                   • Networking Reception
                         • Career Presentations                 • Post or View Jobs
                         • Drop-in Mentoring                    • Résumé Review Clinic
                         • Early Career Professionals Coffee    • Women in Geology Program
                         • Geology Club Meet Up


                                     Mentoring Opportunities

            GSA has a tradition of offering a variety of mentoring oppor-  On To the Future Mentor: On To the Future (OTF) mentors are
          tunities at the meeting, whether you are a student, early career   paired with a student who is a part of the OTF program, which
          professional, professional, or retiree. Please consider being a   supports students from diverse groups who are attending their
          mentor at the annual meeting. Complete an application at   first Annual Meeting. Mentors will meet with their mentee each
 Questions?   day of the meeting, introduce the mentee to five contacts, and
          Contact Jennifer Nocerino,   share their professional experiences in the geosciences. Matching
                                                               will be completed using an online platform. Learn more at https://
          Drop-in Mentor: This one-on-one mentoring activity takes At least 100 mentors are needed.
          place in the GeoCareers Center and offers up to 30 minutes for
          students to ask questions and seek advice from a mentor. At least   Résumé Mentor: Résumé mentors are matched with a student
          24 mentors are needed.                               on-site to review the student’s résumé. Consultations take place
                                                               for 30 minutes in the GeoCareers Center in a one-on-one format.
          Networking Reception Mentor: This reception brings together   At least 28 mentors are needed.
          students, early career professionals, and mentors. Mentors answer
          questions, offer advice about careers plans, and comment on job   Women in Geology Mentor: Female mentors from a variety of
          opportunities within their fields. At least 40 mentors are needed.   sectors answer career questions during the Women in Geology
                                                               Reception. At least 30 mentors are needed.

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