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                  Feed Your Brain—Lunchtime Enlightenment

                                     Michel T. Halbouty Distinguished Lecture
                                     Climate Change: The Threat Multiplier
                                     Tues., 24 Sept., 12:15–1:15 p.m., Phoenix Convention Center
                                     Katharine Hayhoe, 2019 Michel T. Halbouty Distinguished Lecturer
                                      For generations, human civilization has been building a climate debt, borrowing from
                                     the stability of the future to power the economic growth of the present. Through fossil
                                     fuel combustion and land-use change we have disrupted the carbon cycle, overwhelm-
                                     ing the influence of natural forcing on Earth’s climate. As heat accumulates in the
                   Katharine Hayhoe
                Photo credit Artie Limmer,   climate system, it drives long-term increases in temperature and sea level and super-
                    Texas Tech Univ.  charges hurricanes, heat waves, and heavy precipitation events. These changes in turn
                                     exacerbate poverty, hunger, disease, refugee crises, and more. Today, the choice is
                stark: Can we do what it takes to avoid widespread dangerous change? Or will we remain mired in inaction until
                the full cost of this unprecedented experiment we’re conducting with our planet falls due?
                  Katharine Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist whose research focuses on developing and applying high-resolution
                climate projections to understand what climate change means for people and the natural environment. She is a
                professor and director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University and has a B.Sc. in physics from the
                University of Toronto and an M.S. and Ph.D. in atmospheric science from the University of Illinois. Hayhoe has
                served as a lead author for the second, third, and fourth U.S. National Climate Assessments. She has also received
                the National Center for Science Education’s Friend of the Planet Award, the American Geophysical Union’s Climate
                Communication Prize, the Sierra Club’s Distinguished Service Award, and the Stephen H. Schneider Climate
                Communication Award.

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