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AAPG Special Session

          At the Forefront of Exploration and Critical Thinking:   Systems Theme of the 2017 Annual AAPG Conference, and being
          American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)    co-convener for the AAPG-sponsored, 2019 Hedberg Conference
          2019 Distinguished Lecturers (AAPG; GSA Energy Geology   on the evolution of petroleum systems analysis. Arango is technical
          Division)                                            reviewer for peer-review journals and serves as head of the Houston
          Session Co-Chairs: Robbie Gries; Russell Stands-Over-Bull  Organic Geochemistry Society, a group of petroleum system
          Tuesday, 1:30–5:30 p.m., Phoenix Convention Center   specialists that meets in Houston for technical talks and discussion.
            AAPG Distinguished Lecturers are selected over a two-year   She enjoys spending time with her family and loves to travel.
          process, rewarding speakers for innovation in geoscience thinking
          or geoscience career development. Similar to GSA’s James B.          Susan Cunningham
          Thompson Jr. Distinguished International Lectureship, the lectur-    What it Takes to be Successful in Exploration
          ers are selected from a global list of stellar geoscience profession-  Susan M. Cunningham is an advisor for
          als. AAPG Distinguished Lecturers travel throughout the globe        Darcy Partners, a research company con-
          presenting to societies and universities over a two-year period.     necting oil and gas companies with emerg-
                                                                               ing technologies. She retired from Noble
          Speakers                                                             Energy in 2017, where she was most
                                                                               recently executive vice president of EHSR
                           Irene Arango                                        (Environment, Health, Safety and
                           Understanding Expulsion Capacity and   Regulatory) global exploration and business innovation, after
                           Organic Porosity in Unconventional   about 35 years of industry experience.
                           Petroleum Systems                    Before joining Noble Energy, Susan served as Texaco’s vice
                            Dr. Irene Arango is a senior geochemist   president of core worldwide exploration from April 2000 to March
                           with Chevron’s Energy Technology    2001. Employed by Statoil from 1997 through 1999, she was
                           Company, where she has worked for the   responsible for West Africa exploration as well as vice president
                           past 12 years as an internal geochemical   of deepwater Gulf of Mexico exploration. She began her career in
                           consultant on exploration and development   1980 in Calgary as a geologist at Amoco Canada. She moved to
          projects worldwide. Arango has served as principal investigator   Houston in 1981 to join Amoco’s International Region and held
          in research projects on topics including pre-drill risk assessment   various exploration and development positions including manag-
          of non-hydrocarbon gases in reservoirs (e.g., CO , H S) and geo-  ing director of Denmark, based in Copenhagen, and deepwater
          chemistry of unconventional plays. She has worked on identifi-  Gulf of Mexico exploration manager.
          cation of geochemical indicators of core areas and sweet spots    Active in the industry and the community, Susan served as
          in tight reservoirs, on the evaluation of processes controlling   chair of the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in 2010
          unconventional reservoir properties such as organic porosity and   and 2011, representing AAPG. She served on the board of Cliffs
          retention capacity, and on the assessment of oil fingerprints for   Natural Resources, an iron ore and metallurgical coal mining
          improved unconventional field development. Arango has pre-  company from 2005 to 2014. She is currently serving on the
          sented some of her work at AAPG, URTeC, and IMOG confer-  board of Oil Search, an oil and gas company. She also served
          ences and recently co-authored a review paper in Organic   on the boards of the Houston Area Women’s Center and the
          Geochemistry on organic porosity from a geochemical perspec-  Houston Geological Society.
          tive. She was the recipient of AAPG’s Gabriel Dengo Memorial   Susan holds a bachelor’s degree in geology and physical geogra-
          Award in 2014 in recognition of the best AAPG paper presented   phy from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. She also com-
          during the 2013 AAPG International Conference (“Evaluating   pleted a management program through Rice University’s Office of
          hydrocarbon expulsion efficiency from shale reservoirs”).  Executive Development.
            Arango is the coordinator of Chevron’s Hydrocarbon Charge
          Training Program and has presented classes for AAPG and at           Michael Hudec
          universities. Prior to her work at Chevron, she worked for Ecopetrol   Evolution of the Salina del Bravo, Mexico:
          as a development geologist in the Llanos Basin (Colombia). Arango    The Bravo Trough, Sigsbee Canopy, and
          received her Ph.D. in geology with emphasis in geochemistry from     Perdido Fold Belt
          Indiana University (2006), an M.S. (geology with minor in biology)     Dr. Michael Hudec is a senior research
          from Indiana State University (2002), and an undergraduate degree    scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology
          in geology from the National University of Colombia (1998). She is   and directs the Applied Geodynamics
          an active member of AAPG, serving as session chair and judge of      Laboratory (AGL), an industry-sponsored
          poster and oral sessions at various AAPG conferences, acting as      research consortium studying salt tectonics.
          co-chair of the Geochemistry, Basin Modeling, and Petroleum   He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wyoming in 1990, and

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