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Updated Position Statements

            GSA Council recently approved minor revisions to two   that affect these resources. Geoscience information is critical
            position statements: “Integrating Geoscience with Sustainable    to addressing natural and human-induced hazards, such as
          Land-Use Management” and “The Role of the Geoscientist in   landslides, earthquakes, subsidence and sinkholes, floods, or
          Assuring the Safety and Integrity of Infrastructure.” Summaries   droughts; natural resource availability, such as energy, water,
          are below; full versions of all position statements are online at   soils and mineral resources; and environmental issues, such as
 GSA members are   soil erosion, changes to surface- and groundwater quantity and
          encouraged to use the statements as geoscience communication   quality, and wetland destruction. Therefore, geoscience should
          tools when interacting with policy makers, students, colleagues,   be incorporated into all land and natural resources management
          and the general public.                              decisions to enhance their integrity and sustainability.

          Integrating Geoscience with Sustainable Land-Use     The Role of the Geoscientist in Assuring the Safety and
          Management                                           Integrity of Infrastructure
            To ensure sustainable land-management practices that meet   Geoscientists have a fundamental role in the engineering and
          present and future needs of people and the natural systems on   architectural design, planning, construction, and maintenance of
          which they depend, the Geological Society of America (GSA)   infrastructure systems in the built environment, and in under-
          advocates use of comprehensive earth-science information in   standing the functionality and sustainability of natural infrastruc-
          land-use planning and decision making. The geosciences   ture, with respect to their relationship to local geology, hazards,
          address the origin, character, and interconnection of natural   and the environmental setting.
          resources, as well as the natural and human-induced processes

                  36th International Geological Congress (IGC)

                          Mentoring and Travel Grant Program

                                            Delhi, India | 2–8 March 2020

            GSA is accepting applications for its mentoring and travel-grant   Applications must be received electronically no later than
          program to the 36th International Geological Congress (IGC) in   30 Sept. 2019 at
          Delhi, India. Graduate students and early career professionals
          (within seven years of receiving their Ph.D.) are welcome to apply.   This program is organized in collaboration with the GSA
            To be eligible, the applicant must be a resident or citizen of the   Foundation, the U.S. National Committee for Geological
          United States and be enrolled in, or employed at, a U.S. institu-  Sciences (of the National Academy of Sciences), and the Society
          tion. Each award is anticipated to be a maximum of US$3,500.  of Economic Geologists.

          Complete applications will consist of                 Questions? Contact Jennifer Nocerino, jnocerino@geosociety
          • An online application form;                        .org, +1-303-357-1036.
          • A cover letter addressing your reasons for attending the meeting;
          • A prioritized budget of expenses;
          • A copy of your submitted abstract; and
          • One letter of recommendation.

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