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Mentoring Tomorrow’s Geoscience Leaders

                                 at the 2019 Section Meetings

            The GSA GeoCareers Program provides mentoring and career   growth. As a result of these programs, new friendships were
          pathway events at all meetings. At Section Meetings, students   made and professional contacts were established that will last
          are invited to participate in the Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program   well into the future.
          in Applied Geology and the John Mann Mentors in Applied   In addition to mentoring, GSA also provided three career
          Hydrogeology Program. These popular events, supported by the   workshops for students designed to help them plan and prepare
          GSA Foundation through gifts from Roy J. Shlemon and John   for their job search. The workshops covered career planning and
          Mann (with additional financial assistance from Poland Springs   informational interviewing, career exploration, and cover letters,
          and GSA’s Northeastern and Southeastern Sections), are   résumés, and CVs. Working professionals from academia, gov-
          designed to extend the mentoring reach of individual profession-  ernment, and industry were invited to answer questions and help
          als. Together, mentor volunteers and students meet in a relaxing,   attendees maneuver the career exploration process.
          informal setting to discuss careers in geology over lunch.  GSA gratefully acknowledges the following mentors for their
            This past spring, 276 students and 33 mentors participated    individual gifts of time and for sharing their insight with stu-
          in the Shlemon Program, and 224 students and 28 mentors   dents. To learn more about these programs, or to be a mentor
          attended the Mann Program. Both mentors and students left   at a future Section Meeting, please contact Jennifer Nocerino,
          the events expressing feelings of personal and professional

                          The Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geology
                                          Helping Mentor Students Since 1996

          NORTHEASTERN SECTION MEETING                         David Saja, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History
          Erika Amir-Lin, AECOM                                Jessica Vahling, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
          Matthew Baird, Larson Design Group
          Rose-Anna Behr, Pennsylvania Dept. of Conservation and   SOUTHEASTERN SECTION MEETING
          Natural Resources                                    Bill Aley, Taylor Engineering Inc.
          Allison Drouin, Credere Associates LLC               Brandy Barnes, Draper Aden Associates
          Will Ernst, The Boeing Company                       W. R. Doar III, South Carolina Geological Survey
          Frank Getchell, WSP USA                              Jim Heller, Alabama Dept. of Environmental Management
          Craig Heindel, Waite-Heindel Environmental Management  Randy Kath, National Association of State Boards of Geology
          Clifford Lippitt, S.W. Cole Engineering Inc.         (ASBOG )
          Gregory Lull, Katahdin Analytical Services           Marci Robinson, U.S. Geological Survey
          Laura Szymanski, The Geological Society of America   Ronald Wallace, Georgia Environmental Protection Division
          Gregory Walsh, U.S. Geological Survey                Kerry Wright, Froehling and Robertson Inc.
          Amber Whittaker, Maine Geological Survey
          Scott Wieman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center       CORDILLERAN SECTION MEETING
                                                               Alexandros Konstantinou, ExxonMobil Upstream Business
          SOUTH-CENTRAL/NORTH-CENTRAL/                         Development
          ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOINT SECTION MEETING                 Jim O’Connor, U.S. Geological Survey
          Tony Layzell, Kansas Geological Survey               Brian Olson, Quanta Subsurface
          Jason Patton, National Association of State Boards of Geology   Jeff Rubin, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
          (ASBOG )                                             Matthew von der Ahe, Aspect Consulting LLC
          Shannon Rentz, U.S. Department of the Interior       Kasey White, The Geological Society of America
          C.A. Ruleman, U.S. Geological Survey

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