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GSA Member Community,

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          GSA members: Lend your voice to your community
            and interact with your peers—Sign up now to

          GET CONNECTED...
          “The GSA Member Community is a key part of the UTD
          Geoscience Studio’s dissemination strategy.” —Bob Stern
          “Your new video is exceptional on all points. Nice job all!”
          —David Gross
          “Thank you for your encouraging comments.” —Ken
          “This sounds like such a fantastic opportunity. Thanks for
          posting.” —Suzanne OConnell
                                    ….IN THE COMMUNITY

      Q:                                        GSA PUBLICATIONS HIGHLIGHTS

                                         Can students submit papers

                                         to GSA publications?

                                                              A: YES!

                If you’re a student or early career author with research   And if you’re planning to attend the GSA Annual
                you’re looking to share, GSA publications are happy   Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, you’ll want to
                to receive your article submission. GSA publishes   apply for our highly successful workshop for early
                scientific papers on all aspects of geology. We invite   career geoscientists, “What’s Your Problem; What’s
                you to explore our six peer-reviewed journals at   Your Point?,” to be held on Sunday, 22 Sept.,
       and find the   11:30 a.m.–2 p.m. This workshop, led by experienced
                best fit for your paper.                       GSA science editors, focuses on the process of
                                                               preparing your research for submission and navigating
                You can also learn more about our journals, how to   the editorial process. You’ll get advice on what to
                prepare and submit your paper online, and what to   include, what to leave out, and how best to structure
                expect from the review and publication process on   your manuscript, as well as how to avoid frustrating
                our author information page at  your paper’s reviewers. Apply online by 9 August at

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