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mate, biological and paleoceanography changes) Assistant (Tenure-Track), Associate range of specialties, as well as access to outstand-
at geological timescales using the stratigraphic and (Tenured), or Full (Tenured) ing research facilities and support. The department
sedimentary record. We seek a candidate who can Professor in Sedimentary Geology, has one of the largest combined graduate and under-
provide an innovative interpretation of sedimentary Jackson School of Geosciences, graduate enrollments of any Earth Science program
archives, using laboratory, and field techniques and Department of Geological Sciences, in North America and is located in a thriving met-
reconstructing Earth system history. The ideal can- ropolitan area with a dynamic, multicultural com-
didate should have a strong background in geology, The University of Texas at Austin munity of over 1 million people. The department
a strong commitment to field-based research and a The Dept. of Geological Sciences in the Jackson is interested in building a culturally diverse intel-
willingness to contribute to field-based teaching. School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at lectual community; we strongly encourage applica-
The successful candidate will actively par- Austin is seeking to hire a faculty member in Sedi- tions from all under-represented groups.
ticipate in the research activities of the Institute of mentary Geology at the Assistant, Associate or Full Required application documents include a cover
Earth Sciences, will teach in the Bachelor of Geo- professor level. We seek a creative individual who letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of research,
sciences and Environment and in relevant Masters has an innovative research program in sedimentary statement of teaching, statement addressing past
taught by the FGSE, and will supervise masters and geology and addresses questions related to clastic and/or potential contributions to diversity through
doctoral students. sedimentation, dynamic stratigraphy, depositional research, teaching, and/or service, and contact
Appointment will be at the Assistant Profes- systems, and basin architecture over geological information for at least 5 references. Review of
sor level (tenure track). However, exceptionally, time scales, with broad applicability to the energy applications will commence September 1, 2019,
we will consider outstanding candidates for direct industry. A demonstrated ability to integrate a and will continue until the position is filled. Further
appointment to the Associate or Ordinary Profes- range of approaches and data types is required, information about the department is available at
sor level, notably if this corresponds with our equal potentially including field-based inquiry, linked Apply here: https://apply
opportunity objectives. surface and subsurface investigations, incorpo-
The application should include a cover letter ration of seismic data, and analytical or model-
(max 0.5 page), a full Curriculum Vitae, a research ing approaches. The successful candidate will be
statement (max. 4 pages), a teaching statement expected to establish an internationally recognized
(max. 2 pages), PDFs of the three most significant research program and excel at teaching, mentor- Hiring?
publications, and the names and contact infor- ing, and service roles within the department, and
mation of five referees. For further information, should have a strong record of securing external
contact Prof. Frédéric Herman, Dean of the FGSE research funds. We seek an individual who facili- Find those qualified to fill vacancies.
( tates collaborations among faculty, researchers, Use print issues of GSA Today
Application deadline: August 24th, 2019 (23:59 and students in the department and university, and and GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
Swiss time GMT+2). is capable of teaching courses over a wide range of ( Bundle
The application in PDF must be shared in sev- geoscience topics, particularly courses in stratigra-
eral document not bigger than 9.9 MB and will be phy, sedimentology, and basin analysis. and save for best pricing options.
considered only if sent through this website where As part of the Jackson School of Geosciences
you find a full description of the position: https:// (, the Dept. of Geological Sci- That unique candidate is
bit .ly/2PPF6Da. Or ences ( has over 50 faculty waiting to be found.
.html –> Jobs –> search sedimentology. and a community of research scientists with a broad
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