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2014). The Larsen B embayment is now   RECENT EVOLUTION OF THE        The startling outcome of synthesizing indi-
          intermittently a new coastal polynya,   LARSEN CRYOSPHERE             vidual disciplinary studies is that the rapid-
          whose seasonal opening is triggered and   Remote sensing, in conjunction with the   ity at which the area is changing now is not
          maintained by the action of warm foehn   automated multi-sensor stations, shows a   documented in data from the Holocene, yet
          winds. In this new state, the region has   dramatic evolution of the remaining section   is virtually universal in the recent changes
          become an important component of the   of the Larsen B Ice Shelf that suggests it is   observed in precipitation records, sediment
          overall western Weddell Sea marine eco-  nearing an unstable state prone to disinte-  accumulation rates, ecosystem changes,
          system. Its seasonal primary production   gration (Khazendar et al., 2015). MODIS   isostatic uplift, and, of course, ice cover.
          will enable both pelagic and benthic   image series show increased bottom   As dramatic change continues to charac-
          habitat expansion.                 crevassing, and aerial photos as well as   terize the Larsen region, potentially with
            Redistribution of chemical-based and   Landsat 8 images indicate both fine-scale   additional breakup in the next warm year,
          light-based biological production following   surface fracturing and major new rifts in   additional study will provide insight into
          the ice-shelf breakup may have caused the   the Scar Inlet ice. Loss of the A-54 iceberg   the complex evolution of one of the most
          demise of the extraordinary cold-seep eco-  in February 2006 has led to instability in   interesting regions on Earth in a funda-
          system discovered in the newly exposed   the Starbuck Glacier floating shelf front;   mentally integrated way. Knowledge of
          sub-ice-shelf area in 2005 (Domack et al.,   however, cooling climate conditions have   how changes unfolded in the Larsen B
          2005b; Niemann et al., 2009). Extensive   led to the formation of multi-year fast ice in   and adjacent areas will serve as a basis for
          changes in the structure of benthic commu-  the Larsen B embayment, which has been   understanding what may occur in larger
          nities have occurred in the years following   present continuously since early 2012. This   drainage basins that will warm in the
          the shelf event, as previously absent phyto-  fast ice appears to be inhibiting further   coming years and whose changes may
          detritus materials accumulate on the sea-  calving of the Scar Inlet ice front. GPS   have a greater effect far afield.
          floor (Gutt et al., 2011). Lipid biomarkers in   systems installed on the ice as part of the
          surface sediments suggest that seasonal   AMIGOS stations indicate that while the   POSTSCRIPT
          sea-ice diatoms are important contributors   ice shelf accelerated at a rate of ~5% yr    The LARISSA project was in many ways guided
          to this flux of organic matter (Shimizu,   between 2010 and 2012, since the formation   by the scientific vision of Eugene Domack, who
          2016). The development of a new paleo‐  of the persistent fast ice in 2012, the shelf   dedicated much of his life to studying Antarctica
                                                                                and its connections to the rest of the world. Gene
          productivity index in marine sediments   has ceased to accelerate and instead exhib-  passed away suddenly during the preparation of this
          links ocean productivity measured as   its an ~3% seasonal oscillation in flow   manuscript. The remaining authors, like colleagues
          DMSP (dimethyl sulfonopropionate) and   speed, lagging the annual peak and trough   around the world, mourn his passing.
          MSA (methanesulfonic acid) measured in   in air temperature by ~30 days. Given that
          ice cores, within time scales of thousands   the Scar Inlet ice is already structurally   REFERENCES CITED
          of years. The DMSP data are supported by   weak, it is likely that this stabilization is   Balco, G., Schaefer, J.M., and LARISSA group,
          complementary data on absolute diatom   temporary and that the next warm year will   2013, Terrestrial exposure-age record
          abundances, which document the very   lead to the loss of the fast ice and rapid   of Holocene ice sheet and ice shelf change in
                                                                                  the northeast Antarctic Peninsula: Quaternary
          recent influx of a sea-ice–associated   breakup of the Scar Inlet Ice Shelf.  Science Reviews, v. 59, p. 101–111, https://
          diatom community (Rebesco et al., 2014).                      
            Studies conducted as part of LARISSA   INTEGRATED APPROACH TO       Barrand, N.E., Vaughan, D.G., Steiner, N.,
          have also highlighted the dramatic differ-  UNDERSTANDING ONGOING       Tedesco, M., Kuipers Munneke, P., van den
                                                                                  Broeke, M.R., and Hosking, J.S., 2013, Trends
          ences between the rich benthic assemblages   CHANGES                    in Antarctic Peninsula surface melting
          in fjords along the western Antarctic   The interdisciplinary and international   conditions from observations and regional
          Peninsula and those on the open western   field-based LARISSA program addressed   climate modeling: Journal of Geophysical
          Antarctic Peninsula shelf and in the   the rapid, system-level changes taking   Research, Earth Surface, v. 118, p. 315–330,
          Weddell Sea (Grange and Smith, 2013).   place in the Larsen Embayment, Weddell   Berthier, E., Scambos, T.A., and Shuman, C.A.,
          Dropstone habitats add significantly to the   Sea region of the Antarctic Peninsula,   2012, Mass loss of Larsen B tributary glaciers
          diversity of benthic megafauna (Ziegler et   where the Larsen B ice shelf underwent a   (Antarctic Peninsula) unabated since 2002:
          al., 2017), indicating that ice-shelf collapse   spectacular collapse in 2002. The research   Geophysical Research Letters, v. 39, L13501,
          and massive dropstone production sub‐  team, composed of ice core scientists,
          stantially alters formerly sub-ice-shelf eco-  glaciologists, oceanographers, marine   Blunden, J., and Arndt, D.S., 2012, State of the
                                                                                  climate in 2011: Bulletin of the American
          systems. Furthermore, LARISSA studies   geologists, and biologists, including doz-  Meteorological Society, v. 93, no. 7, p. S1–
          revealed that, in recent decades, a large   ens of students and early career scholars,   S282,
          population of king crabs crossed onto the   collaborated to characterize the effects of   StateoftheClimate.1.
          western Antarctic Peninsula continental   the collapse on the marine ecosystem as   Brachfeld, S., Domack, E., Kissel, C., Laj, C.,
          shelf. Warming trends along the western   well as on glacier dynamics and interac-  Leventer, A., Ishman, S., Gilbert, R.,
                                                                                  Camerlenghi, A., and Eglinton, L., 2003,
          Antarctic Peninsula suggest that these   tions among the ocean, ice, geology, and   Holocene history of the Larsen-A Ice Shelf
          relatively cold-intolerant crabs may extend   biology, and to place these changes in the   constrained by geomagnetic paleointensity
          their range farther onto the western   context of past changes in the region.   dating: Geology, v. 31, no. 9, p. 749–752,
          Antarctic Peninsula shelf, with major   Individual disciplinary projects each docu-
          invasive impacts in the next few decades   mented system change both during the   Campo, J., Wellner, J.S., Lavoie, C., Domack, E.,
                                                                                  and Yoo, K.-C., 2017, Glacial geomorphology of
          (Smith et al., 2012).              Holocene and under modern conditions.   the northwestern Weddell Sea, eastern

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