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Join Us in Support of Field Camp Experiences

          We talk with you a great deal about field camp because it   Natalea Cohen’s virtual field camp through Fort Lewis College in
         remains a critical component for students pursuing geoscience,   Durango, Colorado, challenged her to apply all of the geologic
         and it is an area in which we can substantially provide assistance.   knowledge she’s learned in the past three years as she and her
         The cost can be prohibitive, particularly now when the COVID-19   classmates remotely mapped the nearby geologic features. You can
         pandemic has made already difficult financial situations that much   read the full stories from all three of these students right now on
         worse. Geoscience students will need support to gain this essential   the Foundation blog at
         experience whether next year’s camps are virtual, in-person, or   2020 has been a year full of changes and uncertainty. Many of us
         hybrid. With your help, they can focus on having a memorable and   have had to cancel our own travel plans. We hope we can resume
         transformative experience in whatever form it may take.  our travel before too long. Until then, please consider donating those
          Several recipients of the 2020 J. David Lowell Field Camp   unused personal funds to be used to help geoscience students navi-
         Scholarships shared with us the challenges and rewards of attend-  gate their careers during this challenging time—including their
         ing virtual field camps and how receiving the scholarship helped   field camp experiences, even if they, too, don’t include travel.
         them navigate those challenges. Selena Kimball considers the   Join us to help students like Selena, Maria, and Natalea attend
         University of South Florida’s virtual field camp to be the capstone   field camp as they continue to pursue geoscience in the midst of all
         of her geology degree, and she now feels prepared to continue her   the uncertainty. You can make a gift now at https://gsa-foundation
         academic and professional career. Maria Solis discovered the   .org/fund/field-camp-opportunities/ or contact Debbie
         interesting and diverse geology in her home state of Texas when   Marcinkowski,, +1-303-357-1047,
         her field camp decided to stay local instead of going to Montana.   for more information.

                From left: Selena Kimball at Little Glass Mountain, California, USA, in fall 2019. Maria Solis mapping conglomerates in Wilson County,
                Texas, USA, in summer 2020. Natalea Cohen, Molas Pass, Colorado, USA, holding a map of the area, summer 2020.


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