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It’s Time to Defuse the

                                  Cambrian “Explosion”

         Jacob Beasecker, Zach Chamberlin, Nicole Lane, Katie Reynolds, Jack Stack, Kailey Wahrer, Abigail Wolff, Dept. of Earth &
         Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA; Jo Devilbiss, Corey Wahr, Dept. of Integrative
         Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA; Dan Durbin, Hannah Garneau, Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife,
         Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA; and Danita Brandt, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Michigan
         State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA

          Volcanoes may erupt explosively. Mete-  (BSCS, 1961). Three years later, the phrase,   metazoan body plans) show that biological
         oroids may explode on entering the atmo-  “Cambrian evolutionary explosion,” with the   innovation was not limited to the Cambrian
         sphere. A microwaved grape may explode   middle, qualifying adjective “evolutionary,”   but proceeded apace as life expanded from
         (Conover, 2019). However, a growing body of   to distinguish it from physical or chemical   the marine environment into new terrestrial
         research suggests that biodiversity at the dawn   processes, was used in a paper describing    ecospace (Deline et al., 2018); new fossil dis-
         of the Cambrian Period did not explode. Data,   the evolution of oxygen in Earth’s early   coveries point to evolutionary continuity
         amassed in the century and a half since   atmosphere (Berkner and Marshall, 1964).   of biomineralizing animals across the
         Charles Darwin (1859) agonized that the   Ultimately, the binomial form prevailed,   Ediacaran–Cambrian transition (Cai et al.,
         apparent absence of Precambrian lifeforms   referring to the biosphere, and the “Cambrian   2019); integration of biostratigraphical and
         was the weakest link in his theory of evolution   explosion” has propagated ever after without   geochemical records indicates that biological
         by natural selection, support the view that bio-  explicit authorship attribution.  transitions of the late Proterozoic and early
         logical diversity at the beginning of the   Eminent Precambrian geologist and paleo-   Phanerozoic were a series of successive radi-
         Cambrian Period did not burst violently, deto-  biologist Preston Cloud was an early critic   ations that built upon each other (Wood et al.,
         nate, shatter, or blow up. In this contribution,   of the adjective “explosive” to describe the   2019). In sum, the processes and the time
         we trace the origin of the phrase “Cambrian   Cambrian biodiversification. Cloud noted   scale over which these processes acted were
         explosion,” give reasons for moving away   that the time scale involved could have been   more complex than implied by a phrase that
         from using it, and offer an alternative for   millions of years, hardly “explosive” in the   signals a single event.
         describing intervals of significant increase in   widely understood use of the word (a point   But perhaps the most compelling reason
         the diversity of life.              reiterated by Marshall, 2006). Cloud also   to reassess the use of the word “explosion”
          The bibliographic pedigree of the phrase   remarked, presumably facetiously, that such   to describe biodiversification during the
         “Cambrian explosion” is uncertain; its origin   episodes probably were not accompanied by   Cambrian, separate from linguistic lineage
         is not clearly established in peer-reviewed lit-  a loud noise (Cloud, 1948).  and disciplinary developments, is its appro-
         erature. By the early twentieth century, the   The images conjured by “Cambrian explo-  priation by followers of non-scientific expla-
         abrupt appearance of abundant (macro-) fos-  sion” are vivid and Internet-ready; a Google   nations for life’s origin. Authors of anti-evolu-
         sils in the Cambrian was canon in historical   search on “Cambrian explosion memes”   tion tracts were among the earliest adopters of
         geology textbooks (Schuchert and Dunbar,   returned more than 300K results. However,   the phrase (Ridenour, 1967). Misuse of the
         1933). The earliest use of the adjective “explo-  the concept implied by the word “explosion”   concept of an early, explosive episode of evo-
         sive,” with reference to an evolutionary rate,   does not do justice to advances in our    lution continues today (exchanged life disci-
         was likely George Gaylord Simpson’s “explo-  understanding since the Modern Synthesis   pleship,; in this
         sive evolution” to describe a general pattern of   (Huxley’s 1942 coinage describing the merger   arena, the Cambrian explosion is commonly
         rapid diversification early in the history of    of natural selection with Mendelian genetics)   styled as falsifying evolutionary theory and
         a lineage (Simpson, 1944). Mid-twentieth-  was modern. A few examples: molecular phy-  flummoxing “evolutionists,” neither of which
         century contemporaries echoed use of this   logenetics (Suárez-Díaz and Anya-Muíoz,   accusations are accurate, correct, or true.
         phrase in characterizing a general evolution-  2008) makes possible construction of hypoth-  “Diversification” and “radiation” may not
         ary pattern (Henbest, 1952; Colbert, 1953).  eses for evolutionary development during the   have the visceral appeal of “explosion,” but
          Use of the phrase “explosive evolution” to   “prelude” to the Cambrian (Valentine, 2002);   both alternatives are suitable, fitting, apt,
         describe rapid diversification during the early   the  ability  to  resolve  biosignatures  and   proper, and applicable (Marshall, 2006;
         Cambrian morphed into “The Cambrian   Proterozoic biogeochemical cycles (Rothman   Sperling and Stockey, 2018) without carrying
         Explosion” under obscure circumstances. The   et al., 2003) pushed the appearance of com-  the implication of catastrophic rate or other-
         earliest published occurrence known to us is a   plex biological processes deeper into the pre-  worldly mechanism. Certainly, biodiversifi-
         section heading in an early version of an   Cambrian past; measures of morphological   cation at the beginning of the Cambrian was
         experimental high school biology curriculum   disparity (that is, the variety of different   unique (Erwin et al., 1987)—all those new

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