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Department Head, Biology, Geology,   As a member of the Texas A&M System, Tarleton   occasional lifting of moderate loads (50 lbs) in office
         and Environmental Science, University   will provide equal opportunity for employment to   and field environments.
         of Tennessee at Chattanooga         all  persons  regardless  of  race,  color,  sex,  religion,   Preferred Qualifications: Experience and ability
         The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC)   national origin, age, disability, genetic information,   to teach additional courses from wider background
                                                                                is preferred, but not essential.
         College of Arts & Sciences invites applications for   veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity
         the position of Head of the Department of Biology,   and will strive to achieve full and equal employment
         Geology, and Environmental Science (BGE) at the   opportunity through the Texas A&M System.  Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research
         rank of associate or full professor. This is a tenure-  Required Qualification: Candidates must hold   Fellowships, U.S. Geological Survey
         track, 12-month position with appointment to begin   a Master’s Degree in geology, geological sciences,   Various Locations
         August 1, 2021. The field of specialization is open,   environmental science, or a related field at the time   The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is seeking
         but candidates must have an earned Ph.D. in Biol-  of employment.  Must  demonstrate potential  for   candidates for Mendenhall Research Fellows. The
         ogy, Geology, Environmental Science, or a related   outstanding teaching, and strong verbal and writ-  postdoctoral fellows are appointed to the USGS for
         discipline to be considered. Applicants must have   ten communication skills. Physical activity will   two years and receive full salary and benefits at the
         administrative experience and demonstrate the   involve sitting, standing, bending, climbing stairs   GS-12 level, step 1. Mendenhall Fellow appointments
         ability to support and integrate our large, complex,   and walking, 20/20 corrected eyesight, and occa-  are time limited, not to exceed two years, and are full-
         multidisciplinary department while promoting our   sional lifting of moderate loads (50 lbs) in an office   time. Under certain circumstances, the appointment
         disciplinary identities and strengths. The successful   and field environment.  may be extended up to an additional two years.
         candidate should be a forward thinker who is able   Preferred Qualifications: Experience and ability   Open – Thursday 10/1/20, Close – Monday 1/4/21
         to motivate the department to pursue a long-term   to teach additional courses from wider background   The USGS Mendenhall Research Fellowship Pro-
         vision that will grow our strengths and capitalize   is preferred, but not essential.  gram provides an opportunity for postdoctoral fellows
         on our uniqueness. We are especially interested                        to conduct concentrated research in association with
         in candidates with strong communication skills  Environmental Science Tenure Track   USGS scientists, often as a final element to their for-
         that will encourage open conversation within the   Assistant Professor (9 Month), Tarleton   mal career preparation. The Program also provides:
         department and facilitate advocacy of departmen-  State University     1) research experiences that enhance the scientific
         tal needs to the  upper administration. Applicants   The Department of Chemistry, Geosciences, and   stature and credentials of the Fellows; and 2) scien-
         should have a history of teaching accomplishment   Physics at Tarleton State University, in Stephenville,   tific expertise to assist in the implementation of the
         and scholarly productivity and a sustained commit-  Texas, invites applications for the tenure-track posi-  USGS Strategic Plan and the science strategy of its
         ment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher   tion of Assistant Professor of Environmental Science   programs. Mendenhall Fellows are expected to pub-
         education with a focus on increasing the participa-  (9 month) starting Fall 2021. The successful candi-  lish their results in peer-reviewed scientific outlets.
         tion of underrepresented students and faculty in the   date will support the Environmental Science Mas-  Applicants are encouraged to contact the Research
         sciences. We encourage applications from members   ters of Science program through engaging, student-  Advisor(s) for the Research Opportunity of interest to
         of under-represented groups, including but not lim-  centered teaching, establishment of a competitive   coordinate the development of a research proposal.
         ited to women, people of color, LGBTQ+, gender-  research program, and actively contribute to service   More information on Research Opportunities and
         nonconforming individuals, first generation college   and outreach initiatives that advance the department,   specific application requirements can be found at
         graduates, and people with disabilities.   college, and university. Candidates will be expected
          For detailed information about this position,                         -opportunities.
         including minimum and preferred qualifications   to instruct in graduate-level environmental science   For more information, contact the Mendenhall
                                             courses in both a face-to-face and virtual format,
         and application procedure, refer to the position   as well as assist in teaching undergraduate courses   mailbox at
         announcement using the following link:                                   The U.S. Geological Survey is an Equal Oppor-
   as appropriate, while assisting in the expansion and   tunity Employer.
         jobdetail.ftl?job=20000000X1.       management of the Master’s program at Tarleton
          Review of applications begins Friday, November   State University. Research specialization areas are   OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS
         6, 2020 and will continue until position is filled.   broad, and candidates with experience in climate,
                                             remediation, or compliance are especially encour-  Graduate Student Opportunities at Case Western
         Geosciences Instructor, Tarleton State   aged to apply. All application submissions must be   Reserve  University.  Students  with  backgrounds in
         University                          made electronically through Tarleton’s employment   geology, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering,
         The Department of Chemistry, Geosciences, and   site,  and related fields are encouraged to apply for our
         Physics at Tarleton State University, in Stephen-  Review of applications will begin immediately,   Ph.D. and MS programs in Earth, Environmental,
         ville, Texas, invites applications for a non-tenure   and continue until the position is filled. Position   and Planetary Sciences. Areas of active research in
         track Instructor of Geosciences (9 month) start-  availability is contingent on budgetary approval.   the Department include planetary geology and geo-
         ing  Fall  2021.  The  successful  candidate  will  sup-  Tarleton State University is an Equal Opportunity/  dynamics, planetary materials, high-pressure mineral
         port the Geosciences program through engaging,   Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer.   physics and geochemistry, core and mantle processes,
         student-centered teaching, and actively contribute   As a member of the Texas A&M System, Tarleton   environmental science, sedimentary geology, and
         to service and outreach initiatives that advance the   will provide equal opportunity for employment to   sediment transport. For more information, please visit
         department, college, and university. Candidates will   all  persons  regardless  of  race,  color,  sex,  religion, or write to eeps-gradinfo@case
         be expected to instruct in introductory geoscience   national origin, age, disability, genetic information,   .edu. Financial assistance is available. Application
         and related discipline courses and laboratories, and   veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity   deadline: 1/15/2021.
         be competent in face-to-face and online instruction.   and will strive to achieve full and equal employment
         All application submissions must be made electroni-  opportunity through the Texas A&M System.  Graduate  Student  Opportunities  (MS),  Ohio
         cally through Tarleton’s employment site, https://  Required Qualification: Candidates must hold a   University.  The Department of Geological Sci-             Ph.D. in environmental science or a related field at   ences at Ohio University invites applications to its
          Review of applications will begin immediately,   the time of employment. Must demonstrate potential   research thesis-based MS degree in Geology for
         and  continue  until  the position  is  filled.  Position   for outstanding teaching, research, and strong verbal   the Fall of 2021. The Geological Sciences faculty at
         availability is contingent on budgetary approval.   and written communication skills. Physical activ-  Ohio University collaborate in three research clus-
         Tarleton State University is an Equal Opportunity/  ity will involve sitting, standing, bending, climbing   ters:  paleobiology  and  sedimentary  geology,  solid
         Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer.   stairs and walking, 20/20 corrected eyesight, and   earth and planetary dynamics, and environmental
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