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         Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office no   The Chair is encouraged to develop and partici-  tions to diversity through research, teaching, and/or
         later than the first of the month, one month prior to the issue in   pate in activities that support the University’s strate-  service, a CV, and a list of three individuals who will
         which they are to be published. (Note: Combined March/April issue
         releases on March schedule.) Print ads will also appear on the   gic plan, available at   provide letters of reference if requested. To be assured
         Geoscience Job Board to coincide with the month of print issue.   -plan. This plan emphasizes:  a) student  success;    full consideration, all application materials must be
         Contact:, +1-800-472-1988 ext.   b) faculty and staff success; c) stewarding resources;
         1053, or +1-303-357-1053. Email correspondence should include          received by December 15, 2020. Submit materials
         complete contact information (including phone and mailing   d) community engagement  and  partnerships;  and    online at:
         address). Rates are in U.S. dollars.  e) enhancing the campus identity.   Questions concerning the application or receipt of
                                              Qualified candidates must demonstrate a com-  application materials should be sent to: Dr. W. Richard
                                             mitment to excellence in teaching and mentoring   Laton
                   POSITIONS OPEN            a diverse student population and to working effec-
                                             tively with faculty, staff and students across a wide  Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)
         Chair Search, California State      range of disciplines.              in Biogeochemistry of Terrestrial
         University, San Bernardino           If you are interested in this opportunity, we invite   Ecosystems and Environmental
         The Department of Geological Sciences at Califor-  you to apply at:  Change, University of Lausanne
         nia State University, San Bernardino invites applica-  careers/csusb/transferjobs. A link is also available   The Faculty of Geosciences and the Environment
         tions for a Department Chair, tenure track position,   on the  Department’s website:  https://www.csusb   (FGSE) of the University of Lausanne invites appli-
         at the rank of Associate or Professor to begin service   .edu/geology. Salary is commensurate with experi-  cations for a professorship in biogeochemistry of
         in July 2021.                       ence. Formal review of applications will begin Janu-  terrestrial ecosystems and environmental change, to
          The  successful  candidate  must  have  a  Ph.D.  in   ary 4, 2021 and continue until the position is filled.  be based in the Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics
         the geosciences, excellent leadership, communica-  The Department has four full-time faculty mem-  (IDYST).
         tion and interpersonal skills, as well as an excellent   bers and one faculty in the Faculty Early Retire-  We are looking for a soil biogeochemist with exper-
         record of teaching and scholarship, preferably with   ment  Program  with a variety of  research interests   tise on ecosystem-level biotic and abiotic mechanisms
         a record of significant research funding. Applicants   and offers B.A., B.S., and M.S. degrees. CSUSB   driving the elemental cycles in terrestrial environ-
         with prior success in fundraising and development   is located in one of the most geologically rich and   ments. The ideal candidate will further a process- and/
         are particularly encouraged to apply.  diverse regions of North America.   or model-oriented understanding of terrestrial envi-
          The area of the candidate’s specialization is open.   California State University, San Bernardino
         We seek a candidate with a strong commitment to   (CSUSB) is located in San Bernardino in the Inland   ronments and their response to human activities and
         undergraduate and graduate teaching and diversity,   Empire, 60 miles east of Los Angeles and operates   climate change. We welcome candidates who wish to
         a record of research funding, and a commitment to   a satellite campus in Palm Desert located in Coach-  integrate new research and teaching perspectives into
                                                                                our existing programs.
         excellence that will enhance the Department. Prefer-  ella Valley. CSUSB serves approximately 20,000   The successful candidate will actively participate
         ence will be given to candidates with administrative   students, of which 81% are first-generation college
         experience as a department chair or similar leader-  students, and graduates about 5,000 students annu-  in the research activities of the Institute of Earth Sur-
         ship experiences.                   ally. As a designated Hispanic Serving Institution,   face Dynamics, will teach in the Bachelor of Geo-
          The Department Chair reports to the Dean of the   CSUSB reflects the dynamic diversity of the region   sciences and Environment and Masters programs
         College of Natural Sciences and is a 12-month, 0.5   and has one of the most diverse student populations   taught by the FGSE, and will supervise masters and
                                             of any university in the Inland Empire, and the sec-
         time department chair and 10-month 0.5 time fac-  ond highest Hispanic enrollment of all public univer-  doctoral students.
         ulty member appointment. The Chair will provide   sities in California. CSUSB employs 467 full-time   Appointment will be at the Assistant Professor
         strong academic leadership in the planning and   faculty and offers 48 undergraduate, 35 graduate,   level (tenure track). However, exceptionally, we will
         administration of graduate and undergraduate pro-  and 1 doctoral degree programs and 14 academic   consider outstanding candidates for direct appoint-
         grams in Geology, assist the entire faculty in devel-  programs with national accreditation.   ment to the Associate or Full Professor level, nota-
         oping new initiatives and a viable strategic vision,                   bly if this corresponds with our equal opportunity
         mentor faculty in the promotion and tenure process,   Geoscience Education, California State   objectives.
         supervise support staff, teach courses (at a half-time   University, Fullerton   The application should be in English and include
         load), maintain an active research program involving   The Department of Geological Sciences invites appli-  a cover letter (max 1 page), a full Curriculum Vitae,
         undergraduate and/or graduate students, work with   cations for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in   a research statement (max. 4 pages), a teaching state-
         the CSUSB Office of Advancement in fundraising,   Geoscience Education beginning August 2021. CSUF   ment (max. 2 pages), a list and links to the three most
         and maintain and build upon our existing strong rela-  is a Hispanic-Serving Institution and an affirmative   significant publications and a statement on the per-
         tionship with industry and government agencies.  action and equal opportunity employer with a strong   sonal contribution to each, and the names and con-
          Typical Activities: Responsibilities of the Chair   commitment to increasing campus diversity. We   tact information of five referees. For further infor-
         include participation and leadership in the faculty   seek a geoscience educator who develops, applies,   mation, contact Prof. Frédéric Herman, Dean of the
         duties of teaching, mentoring, research, service, and   and evaluates new geoscience teaching innovations   FGSE (
         program development. The Chair serves as an advo-  and curricula, and conducts innovative geoscience   Application deadline: 15th of December 2020
         cate for the Department in the College and the Univer-  education research. We expect candidates to show   (23:59 Swiss time GMT+1).
         sity, and vice versa. The Chair, in collaboration with   evidence of an existing or developing, active, exter-  A full description can be found on the following
         the faculty, plans and executes a strategic direction   nally funded, student-centered research program. We   link:
         for the department, builds and staffs the schedule of   seek a scholar who demonstrates interest and ability   Or –> Careers
         classes, oversees the department budget, fosters team   to teach courses in geoscience education and general   at UNIL –> Emplois –> Postes ouverts–> English –>
         building, manages the department and its staff, and   geology at various levels including; general educa-  Keywords biogeochemistry (or ad 16430).
         works with diverse faculty and students in the depart-  tion, lower- and upper-division undergraduate, and
         ment and across campus to enhance interdisciplinary   graduate courses. The successful candidate shall:
         collaboration. For additional information, please visit   (1) coordinate geoscience education courses; (2) help   Bookmark the  facilitate the integration of teacher preparation; and   Geoscience Job Board
         Recruit_Chairs&Directors.pdf .      (3) be involved in program-level assessment for our
          Minimum Qualifications: A Ph.D in Geologi-  department. Applicants should submit a cover letter,
         cal Sciences or a related field is required by time of   separate teaching and research statements, as well as   for up-to-the-minute postings.
         appointment. July 1, 2021.          a statement discussing past and/or potential contribu-

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