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“Make a real difference.”

                                                                           - MADISON SELF -

                                                                  T Thhee  MMaaddiissoonn  aanndd  LLiillaa  SSeellff  GGrraadduuaattee
                                                                  Programs   identifies, recruits, and

                                                                  provides development opportunities
              SELF GRADUATE FELLOWS RECEIVE:                      for exceptional Ph. D. s sttuuddeennttss  who
               • GRA support of $32,000/year for four years
               • Full coverage of tuition and fees                demonstrate the promise to make
               • A $5,500 professional development award          significant contributions to their fields
               • A unique professional development
                 program                                          of study and society as a whole.
               • Payment of employer’s share of student
                 health insurance
                                                                          The total value of the

              ELIGIBLE FIELDS OF STUDY                               four-year doctoral fellowship
              Business                                                      exceeds $180,000
              Accounting, Decision Sciences, Finance,
              Human Resources Management, Information
              Systems, Marketing, Organizational Behavior,
              Strategic Management
              Aerospace Engineering; Bioengineering;
              Chemical and Petroleum Engineering; Civil,
              Environmental, and Architectural Engineering;
              Electrical Engineering and Computer Science;
              Mechanical Engineering
              Liberal Arts and Sciences
              Computational Biology, Chemistry, Ecology
              and Evolutionary Biology, Economics,
              Geography and Atmospheric Science,                         learn more
              Geology, Mathematics, Molecular Biosciences,
              Medicine                                                   1450 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 158
              Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in
              Biomedical Sciences, KU Medical Center,                    Lawrence, KS 66045
              Kansas City. The IGPBS provides the first-year
              core curriculum for seven Ph.D. programs.                  SELFGRADUATE.KU.EDU
              Pharmacy                                                   785-864-7249
              Medicinal Chemistry, Neurosciences,              
              Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology and
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