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Scientists in Parks: A New Program

                    for the Next Generation of Stewards

                                Scientists in Parks (SIP) is a new   Project areas will encompass the physical, biological, and social
                              National Park Service (NPS) program   sciences and will address a spectrum of topics—including air
                              that provides immersive, meaningful   quality, climate change, geology, hydrology, night skies, paleontol-
                              work experiences in natural resource   ogy, communication, and outreach. The program also invites
                              fields so aspiring professionals,    science-related projects that intersect with the human dimensions
                              especially those underrepresented    of managing natural resources.
                              in science, can cultivate their career   GSA is excited to join NPS, Stewards Individual Placement
                              potential and connection with    Program, Environment for the Americas, and the Ecological
                              America’s national parks.        Society of America as program partners in providing SIP opportu-
                                                               nities for the next generation of diverse park stewards.
         What Happened to Geoscientists-in-the-Parks (GIP)?
          We are uniting with related NPS programs to create Scientists in              Jessie Pearl (left) joined
         Parks, a new NPS program that will offer the opportunities previ-              Saguaro National Park through
         ously found through the GIP program and much more. The new                     Geoscientists-in-the-Parks
         program model helps strengthen the framework for providing sci-                (2018) and Future Park Leaders
         ence-related, career-building experiences in partnership with NPS.             of Emerging Change (2019), two
                                                                                        of the programs now merging
          The SIP program brings the long-standing successes of three                   with Mosaics in Science to cre-
         NPS programs—the Mosaics in Science Diversity Internship   ate Scientists in Parks. Her project-related work investigated crit-
         Program, Future Park Leaders of Emerging Change, and   ical water sources in low-elevation and high-elevation desert set-
         Geoscientists-in-the-Parks—into the same fold. The simplified   tings over time. Pearl also received a 2017 GSA Graduate Student
         program model unifies the strengths of earlier programs and   Research Grant while earning her Ph.D. in geoscience at the
         builds capacity for hosting up to 200 opportunities with national   University of Arizona. Photo credit: Conservation Legacy.
         park units annually.
          SIP affords more options to consider for exploring careers in sci-  Like GIP, Scientists in Parks will host an application period
         ence and land management. Undergraduate students, graduate stu-  twice a year for project opportunities in the summer and winter
         dents, and recently graduated individuals will find it easier to align   seasons. Prospective participants can begin to review and apply
         with opportunities based on their career stage and future goals.   for summer 2021 projects this month.
          One of SIP’s core goals is to broaden diversity within the pro-
         fessional levels of the NPS workforce in natural resource fields.   Learn more about Scientists in Parks:
         The program offers authentic opportunities to find mentorship,   1. Visit GSA’s new website for the SIP program, https://www
         learn new skills, network with career professionals, and engage in sip;
         leadership development as part of the participant experience. All   2. Check out the new NPS resources related to the program:
         projects help address the current natural-resource management;
         needs of national parks.                              3. Receive updates about upcoming deadlines and program-related
                                                                resources in the GeoScene, GSA’s emailed monthly newsletter
           “I think these are incredible opportunities to gauge where your   for students and early career professionals. Subscribe at https://
         passions and interests are, and what a wonderful place to do it.”;
           —Jessie Pearl, past participant of Geoscientists-in-the-Parks    4. Find out more about all available projects and where to apply at
                and Future Park Leaders of Emerging Change

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