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         and surficial processes. Prospective students are   Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists
         encouraged to contact faculty directly to discuss   (WDTS) program in collaboration with 17 DOE   research/
         potential research topics. Qualified students are eli-  national laboratories and facilities across the U.S.  Applications for Fall 2021 admission are strongly
         gible to receive teaching assistantships that carry a   Benefits: $600/week stipend; Housing accom-  encouraged by January 15, 2021. To apply: https://
         full tuition scholarship and a competitive stipend.   modations or housing allowance; Round-trip travel graduate
         For program and application information, visit the   reimbursement     -programs -earth-sciences/application-information/
         department website at  Learn how to apply at
         geology/graduate or contact the graduate chair, Dr.   wdts/suli/How-to-Apply.   M.S. and Ph.D. Graduate Student Assistantship
         Daniel Hembree ( Review of   Applications are due January 12, 2021 at 5:00 PM ET.  Opportunities,  Clemson  University.  Clemson
         applications begins February 1, 2021.  For full eligibility requirements, please visit   University  Department  of  Environmental  Engi-
                                     neer and Earth Sciences seeks students interested
         Graduate Student Opportunities (online MS),                            in pursuing a M.S. or Ph.D. in the areas of tecton-
         Ohio  University.  The  Department  of  Geological   Graduate  student  opportunities  in  Geosciences   ics, sediment  transport, applied geochronology,
         Sciences at Ohio University invites applications to   at Baylor University. The Department of Geosci-  and surficial processes. A  strong foundation in
         its online, non-thesis MS degree in Geology for the   ences at Baylor University invites applications for   the geosciences is required. Prior research in the
         Spring or Fall of 2021. The program includes courses   full-time PhD and MS students starting in August   above-mentioned  areas of  interest  would  be  ben-
         on research methods, paleobiology and sedimentary   2021. Admission to the  program includes  5 years   eficial. Possible research topics include, but are
         geology, Earth materials and planetary geology, and   of support for PhD students and 2 years of support   not limited to, provenance analysis of Cenozoic
         environmental and surface processes. The program   for MS students through graduate assistantships   continent-scale fluvial systems, Pliocene–Pleisto-
         is designed for students planning to enter or already   and fellowships, a full tuition waiver, 80% health   cene dust production and loess deposition in South
         in the geoscience workforce (industry, government,   insurance subsidy, annual travel funding for confer-  America, and improving geochronology-based sed-
         non-profit) that do not require research experience   ence attendance, and research funding for graduate   iment provenance analysis. Outstanding applicants
         as well as K-12 educators seeking additional train-  students on a competitive basis. Candidates should   will be offered support in the form of a research
         ing in the geosciences. For program and application   have at least an undergraduate degree in geology,   and/or teaching assistantship. Students offered an
         information, visit the department website at http://  geophysics, or in a related area and excellent analyt-  assistantship are expected to start Fall 2021. Inter- or contact Dr.   ical and writing skills. Students holding a BS degree   ested geoscientists should contact Dr. Alex Pullen
         Xizhen Schenk (   may apply directly to the PhD program.  (;
                                              Faculty research covers a broad spectrum of Earth   cecas/departments/eees/people/facultydirectory/
         Summer 2021 Community College Internships   sciences, with strengths in biogeosciences, energy   pullen.html) this fall to discuss opportunities.
         (CCI). Are you a community college student in sci-  geoscience, hydrological and surface processes,
         ence, technology, engineering, or math looking to   lithospheric processes, paleoclimate, and solid Earth   Two  NSF-funded  Ph.D.  Assistantships  to  study
         develop your technical skills?      and planetary sciences. For more information about   beaver  dam  analogues  impacts  on  floodplain
          Then the CCI program is for you. Gain hands-on   the Department of Geosciences, our research areas,   hydrology.  Syracuse. We are seeking two Ph.D.
         experience in a technical project under the guidance   and the graduate program please visit www.baylor   students to start May or June 2021 for an NSF project
         of a mentor and build your professional network at   .edu/geosciences.  focused on understanding the hydrologic impacts of
         a national lab. Present your work to scientists and   Applications are due by January 15, 2021, with a   beaver dam analogues in semi-arid landscapes using
         peers, join in social activities, and engage in a vari-  priority application deadline of December 1, 2020.   a combination of fieldwork (Wyoming), numerical
         ety of professional development activities to enhance   Details about the application process and the priority   modeling, and UAV image analysis. If interested,
         your career skills.                 deadline can be found here: https://www.baylor .edu/  please contact Dr. Christa Kelleher (Syracuse Uni-
          The CCI program is sponsored and managed by the   geosciences/index.php?id=952059. Applications to   versity, Earth and Environmental Sciences) or Dr.
         Department of Energy (DOE) / Office of Science’s   the Department of Geosciences must be submitted   Philippe Vidon (SUNY-ESF, Sustainable Resources
         Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists   online here: Please con-  Management) ahead of the application deadline (Jan
         (WDTS) program  in collaboration with 16 DOE   tact our Graduate Program Director for more infor-  15, 2021) with a current CV, information about your
         national laboratories and facilities across the U.S.  mation or with questions at  interest in pursuing a graduate degree, and research
          Benefits: $600/week stipend; Housing accom-                           or other relevant experience.
         modations or housing allowance; Round-trip travel   M.S.,  Ph.D.  in  Earth  Sciences  (full-tuition  and
         reimbursement.                      stipends), Syracuse University. The Department of   MERC  MSc  Graduate  Opportunity  at  Eldo-
          Learn how to apply at  Earth and Environmental Sciences at Syracuse Uni-  rado Gold’s Ormaque gold Discovery, May 2021.
         wdts/cci/How-to-Apply.              versity  invites  applications  for  full-time  M.S.  and   MERC, in partnership with Eldorado Gold, is seek-
          Applications are due January 12, 2021 at 5:00 PM ET.  Ph.D. students starting in August 2021. Interdisciplin-  ing a MSc student to undertake a field-based struc-
          For  full  eligibility  requirements,  place  visit   ary research opportunities leading to M.S. and Ph.D.   tural MSc project at Eldorado’s Ormaque zone, a new  degrees include: biogeochemistry, computational   discovery at the Lamaque Gold Mine. This project is
                                             geophysics,  environmental  geology, geomorphol-  within southeastern Abitibi greenstone belt near Val
         Summer 2021 Science Undergraduate Labora-  ogy, global environmental change, hydrogeology   d’Or, Quebec. The goal of this project is to provide a
         tory Internships (SULI). Are you an undergradu-  and  hydrology, isotope  geochemistry, paleobiology,   structural context for gold mineralization at Ormaque
         ate student or recent graduate in science, technol-  paleolimnology, petrology, sedimentology, tectonics,   focused primarily on structural observations in drill
         ogy, engineering, or math looking to develop your   and thermochronology. For more information on our   core and underground mapping, when available.
         research skills?                    programs:   These will be combined with standard petrography
          Then the SULI program is for you. Gain hands-  -department/graduate-programs-earth-sciences/   (transmitted  and  reflected  light)  and  SEM observa-
         on research experience on an exciting project under   Ph.D. and M.S. students are supported by full-  tions. The project will also address host lithologies,
         the guidance of a mentor and build your professional   tuition scholarships and stipends through teaching   alteration systematics and relative timing of the
         network at a national lab. Present your research to   assistantships, research assistantships, and/or fel-  hydrothermal event. The project will be supervised by
         scientists and peers, join in social activities, and   lowships. The Department only admits students   Drs Bruno Lafrance, Ross Sherlock and Tim Baker, at
         engage in a variety of professional development   that have identified faculty advisors, so it is recom-  MERC and Eldorado Gold. The successful candidate
         activities to enhance your career skills.  mended you contact potential advisors in your field   will integrate within the Lamaque exploration team
          The SULI program is sponsored and managed by   of interest either before or after application. For more   adhering to their health and safety standards while
         the Department of Energy (DOE) / Office of Science’s   information on our faculty and research groups:   in the field and working collectively to advance an

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