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         Joint North-Central–

         Southeastern Section

         56th Annual Meeting of the North-Central Section,

         71st Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section,

         Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | 7– 8 April 2022
                             Cincinnati skyline at night. Photo by Jake Blucker on Unsplash.

                                      Our Livable Future Needs Geoscience

         LOCATION                                               A note about the registration fees: GSA is striving to be inclusive,
          This joint meeting will be held at the Duke Energy Convention   recognizing that not everyone is able to physically attend meetings.
         Center in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Renewed interest in   Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in additional con-
         the downtown area throughout Cincinnati and just across the Ohio   straints on attending meetings in person. The registration fees for
         River in northern Kentucky has created dozens of breweries and   this meeting include the costs for the technology that allows partici-
         brew pubs, new and renovated city parks, restaurants, cafés and cof-  pants to attend and present in oral sessions online.
         fee bars, museums, theatres, and shopping. Cincinnati’s seven hills
         lie atop the world-renowned fossiliferous Ordovician Cincinnatian   REGISTRATION FEES (all fees are in U.S. dollars)
         Series, and southwestern Ohio and northern Kentucky mark the                    Early         Standard
         terminus of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. The region’s bedrock geology   Member Type
         and its glacial history underlie Cincinnati’s nexus of landslide haz-      Full Mtg.  One Day  Full Mtg.   One Day
         ards and urban development, as well as the dynamics of large and   Professional Member  $280  $160  $295  $200
         small watersheds throughout the region. Five short courses, 45 tech-  Professional Member 70+  $165  $120  $200  $150
         nical sessions, and 11 field trips will highlight the region’s geology,
         reflect modern quantitative approaches, and cover the range of   Professional Nonmember  $300  $200  $335  $250
         twenty-first–century geoscience, from the critical zone to the deep   Early Career Professional  $205  $145  $230  $180
         crust. There will also be a panel discussion featuring corporate   Student Member  $85  $65  $125   $75
         environmental and sustainability managers. Abstract submissions   Student Nonmember  $100  $80  $150  $95
         on all aspects of geoscience are welcome. Amid catastrophic cli-  K–12 Professional  $85  $65  $100  $75
         mate change, there is a widening recognition that a global sustain-
         able future requires revolutionizing resource management and   Guest or Spouse  $65  n/a    $75     n/a
         development, which depends on an integrated understanding of   Field Trip/Short Course Only  $45  n/a  $50  n/a
         earth materials, processes, and history. Now is the time for geosci-
         ence to make a more meaningful impact in education, research,    ACCOMMODATIONS
         and society. Please join us in the Queen City!        Hotel registration deadline: 15 Feb., 5 p.m. EST
                                                                Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the Hilton Cincinnati
         A TWENTY-FIRST-CENTURY MEETING                        Netherland Plaza (35 West 5th Street, one block from the Duke
          Our meeting will be in person with a streaming option. All oral   Energy Convention Center) and the Hyatt Regency Cincinnati
         session rooms will be live-streamed, and all participants who are   (151 West 5th Street, across the street from the convention center).
         not on site will be able to see and listen to all presentations in real-  For the Hilton, the meeting rates are US$154 per night for single
         time, including Q&A and discussions. Off-site participants will be   and double rooms, US$164 for triple occupancy, and US$174 for
         unable to live chat or talk to the rooms.             quadruple occupancy, all plus tax. Reservations can be made by
                                                               telephone, either by calling the hotel directly at +1-513-421-9100
         REGISTRATION                                          or by calling +1-800-HILTONS.
         Early registration deadline: 28 Feb.                   For the Hyatt, the meeting rates are US$165 per night for single
         Cancellation deadline: 7 Mar.                         and double rooms, US$175 for triple occupancy, and US$185 for
          For further information or if you need special accommodations,   quadruple occupancy, all plus tax. Reservations can be made by
         please contact one of the general co-chairs, Craig Dietsch,   calling the hotel directly at +1-513-579-1234 or online at https://, or Rebecca Freeman, rebecca.freeman@

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