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FT5.   A Bike Tour: Piecing Together the Surficial Geology    SHORT COURSES
              and History of Four Mile Creek River Valley, Ohio, USA.    For additional information, please contact the short course
              Sat., 9 April. Cost: US$72 if you don't bring your own bike   organizer, Jason Dortch,
              and helmet; US$52 if you bring your own bike and helmet.
              Leaders: Christina Tenison, Miami University, tenisocn@  SC1.   Designing Instructional Access and Inclusion across
              miamioh .edu; Jason Rech, Miami University, rechja@   Geoscience Learning Environments. Sat., 9 Apr.,
                                              9 a.m.–4 p.m., with lunch break. Cost: US$25 students/
                                                                    US$50 professionals. Max. participants: 25. Leaders:
         FT6.   A New Look at the Classic Cincinnatian: Sequences,   Christopher Atchison, University of Cincinnati, christopher
              Cycles, and Events in the Upper Ordovician of the; Anita Marshall, University of Florida,
              Cincinnati Vicinity. Sat., 9 April. Cost: US$75. Leaders:; Sean Thatcher, Rutgers University,
              Carlton E. Brett, University of Cincinnati, brettce@ucmail; Ian Castro, University of
    ; Ben Dattilo, Purdue University, Fort Wayne,   Cincinnati,; Ivan Carabajal,
    ; Kyle Hartshorn, Cincinnati Dry      University of Cincinnati,
                                                               SC2.   Fluvial Terraces: From Modeling to the Field. Sat., 9 Apr.,
         FT7.   Buried-Valley Aquifers and the Theis Environmental   1–4 p.m. Cost: US$25 students/US$50 professionals. Max.
              Monitoring and Modeling Site. Sat., 9 April. Cost: US$85.   participants: 25 people. Leaders: Yichuan Zhu, Kentucky
              Leaders: Reza Soltanian, University of Cincinnati,    Geological Survey,; Matt Massey,
    ; Alan Fryar, University of Kentucky,   Kentucky Geological Survey,;
                                          Jason Dortch, Kentucky Geological Survey,
         FT8.   Defenses of Cincinnati: Geological and Topographical
              Aspects of Civil War Forts and Batteries, Camp   SC3.   Methods of Metal Pollution Investigation. Sat., 9 Apr.,
              Dennison, and Morgan’s Raid. Sat., 9 April. Cost:     8:30 a.m.–4 p.m., with lunch break 11:45 a.m.–1:15 p.m. Cost:
              US$100. Leaders: Joe Hannibal, Cleveland Museum of    US$25 students/US$50 professionals. Max. participants: 30.
              Natural History, jhannibal@uakron .edu; Jeannine      Leaders: Mark P.S. Krekeler, Miami University, krekelmp@
              Kreinbrink, K & V Cultural Resources Management LLC,; Matthew Dietrich, Indiana University–Purdue
    ; Kevin E. Evans, Missouri     University Indianapolis,; Kenneth
              State University,        Brown, DePauw University,

         FT9.   Organic-Rich Rocks and Associated Sediments near    SC4.   Professional Registration and Preparation Tips for
              the Devonian-Mississippian Boundary in Northeastern   National Professional Geologist (PG) Exams. Sat., 9 Apr.,
              Kentucky. Sat., 9 April. Cost: US$215. Leaders: Frank R.   9 a.m.–noon. Cost: US$25 students/US$50 professionals.
              Ettensohn, University of Kentucky,;   Leader: William Andrews, Kentucky Geological Survey,
              Charles Mason, retired, Morehead State University,
    ; R. Tim Lewis, retired,
              WPXEnergy,; Geoff Clayton,   SC5.   Résumé and Cover Letter Clinic: A Workshop for GSA
              retired, Trinity University,         On To the Future (OTF) Students. Sat., 9 April, 8:30 a.m.–
                                                                    12:30 p.m. Cost: Free for OTF students. Max. participants:
         FT10.  Pleistocene Geology, Paleontology, and History of   20. Leaders: Stephen K. Boss, University of Arkansas,
              Science at Big Bone Lick, Kentucky, USA. Sat., 9 April.; Katherine Ellins, University of Texas at
              Cost: US$85. Leaders: Glenn W. Storrs, Cincinnati Museum   Austin,
              Center, gstorrs@cincymuseum .org; Cameron Schwalbach,
              Cincinnati Museum Center,  OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS AND EARLY
                                                               CAREER PROFESSIONALS
         FT11.  Revisiting the Wisconsinian Depositional History of    Mentor Programs
              the Southernmost Extent of the Scioto Sublobe, Ohio.   Ask your career-related questions and learn about non-academic
              Sat., 9 April. Cost: US$283. Leaders: T. Andrew Nash, Ohio   pathways in the geosciences while networking with professionals
              Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey,   at the Roy J. Shlemon and John Mann Mentor Luncheons. GSA
    ; Tyler Norris, Ohio Dept. of   student members are welcome.
              Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, tyler
    ; Thomas Valachovics, Ohio Dept. of   GeoCareers Workshops
              Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, thomas   This three-part series will feature career development planning,
                           an exploration of geoscience job sectors, and information on best
                                                               practices for crafting a résumé and cover letter. Non-technical
                                                               skills and workforce statistics will be reviewed. The series will be
                                                               led by workshop presenters and geoscientists. No registration is
                                                               required, and everyone is welcome.

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