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J. David Lowell Field Camp

                                                                GSA and the GSA Foundation are proud to announce that
                                                               J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarships will be available to
                                                               undergraduate geology students for the summer of 2022. These
                                                               scholarships will provide students with US$2,000 each to attend
                                                               the field camp of their choice. Applications are reviewed based
                                                               on diversity, economic/financial need, and merit.
                                                               Application deadline: 25 Mar. 2022
                                                               Learn more:
                                                               Questions? Contact Jennifer Nocerino,

                      C ALL FOR APPLIC ATIONS
                      2022–2023 GSA-USGS

                      Congressional Science Fellowship                                            APPLICATION
                      Bring your science and technology expertise   for helping shape the future   15 JAN. 2022
                      to Capitol Hill to work at the interface between   of the geoscience profession,
                      geoscience and public policy.              GSA and the USGS invite your
                                                                 application. The fellowship is open to
                      The GSA-USGS Congressional Science         GSA members who are U.S. citizens or permanent
                      Fellowship provides a rare opportunity for a   residents. A Ph.D. at the time of appointment or a
                      geoscientist to spend a year working for a   master’s degree in engineering plus five years of
                      member of Congress or congressional committee.   professional experience is required.
                      If you are a geoscientist with a broad scientific   Learn more at or by
                      background, experience applying scientific   contacting Kasey White, +1-202-669-0466,
                      knowledge to societal challenges, and a passion

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