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Four Position Statements Updated
In October 2021, GSA Council approved a major revision to the TEACHING EVOLUTION
Water Resources position statement, now titled Water Resources: Evolution and the directly related concept of deep (geologic) time
Quantity. Minor revisions to three other statements were also are essential parts of science curricula at all levels of education. The
approved: Supporting Planetary Exploration, Teaching Evolution, evolution of life on Earth stands as one of the central concepts of
and Rewarding Professional Contributions in Public Spheres. modern science that is accepted by the scientific community. Two
Summary statements are below and full versions of all position centuries of research in geology, paleontology, and biology have
statements are online at produced an increasingly detailed, consistent, and robust picture of
GSA members are encouraged to use the statements as geoscience how life on Earth evolved. Creationism, whether presented as cre-
communication tools when interacting with policy makers, students, ation “science” or intelligent design, attempts to explain compli-
colleagues, and the general public. cated phenomena of the natural world by invoking a supernatural
creator or designer. Creationism cannot be tested using the scientific
WATER RESOURCES: QUANTITY method and therefore has no place in a science curriculum.
Population growth drives decisions about water use for indus-
trial, agricultural, municipal, and recreational purposes. REWARDING PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS
Increasing demands and a changing climate pose significant, IN PUBLIC SPHERES
immediate challenges to ensuring sustainability of surface- and GSA encourages, affirms, and supports positive contributions
groundwater resources in the United States and globally. Broad, of geoscientists and earth-science educators to the public spheres.
outcome–oriented water–resource science policies and initiatives The time, effort, talent, and intellectual capital that are invested by
are needed to address these issues. geoscientists and earth-science educators in public policy, educa-
tion, and research on teaching and learning are critically impor-
SUPPORTING PLANETARY EXPLORATION tant for educating and safeguarding local, regional, national, and
GSA supports planetary exploration to advance research concern- global populations. GSA welcomes these professional contribu-
ing the evolution of Earth, our solar system, and beyond; to collect tions to the public sphere and encourages the broader professional
geologic and geophysical data on planets, moons, and other solar community to support, prioritize, and acknowledge this vital work
system objects, both remotely and on their surfaces; to explore as scholarly activity. As such, GSA recommends that geoscientists
Earth from space to detect changes and understand natural pro- in academia, government service, and professional practice
cesses not easily observed from the ground; to deepen and expand receive formal recognition and reward for such efforts through
human understanding of our place in the universe; to reinforce sci- positive performance evaluations, reappointments, promotions,
ence, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education and and tenure reviews. GSA also encourages support, by means of
effective training of the next generation of scientists; to increase appropriate reassigned time or travel assistance to conferences,
U.S. competitiveness in science and technology development; and workshops, and other appropriate endeavors, to those individual
to enhance the quality of life through technological innovation. geoscientists engaged in substantive professional activity on issues
of public policy, education, and research on teaching and learning.
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the Society and to our science through involvement in We purchase books, specimens,
the affairs of the GSA. Your time, talent, and expertise and entire collections.
help build a solid and lasting Society.
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