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You Made an Impact on Future Geoscientists

          Every year, the GSA Foundation is extremely thankful to                  “I’m so grateful for what this scholarship
         all of our friends and donors who contribute time, resources,           has provided me: not only a geology field
         ideas, and financial support toward the Geological Society of           experience, but with 30 other geology stu-
         America’s programs.                                                     dents who motivated me into believing that
          One program that has made a significant impact in the lives of         I was doing the right thing and was exactly
         aspiring geologists is the J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarship.      where I needed to be.” —Alina Hernandez
         Recognizing the significant role that field camp has in the develop-
         ment of geoscientists, a generous donor issued a matching challenge
         that launched on Giving Tuesday, 30 November. They matched one-
         to-one, up to US$10,000, every gift made to the J. David Lowell
         Field Camp Scholarship Program between Giving Tuesday and                 “Receiving this scholarship alleviated
         New Year’s Eve. We extend our sincerest thanks to all of you who        the financial strain due to not only the
         contributed to help us reach that match, and a special thanks to        cost of the course, but taking six weeks
         the donor who provided the matching funds. Your support will            away from work. As a non-traditional
         go directly to help students attend field camp in 2022.                 student, I am primarily responsible for
          Many of the students who received the 2021 J. David Lowell             all of my school and living expenses. This
         Field Camp Scholarship shared how much your generosity means            scholarship allowed me to focus on all
         to them and the impact it has had on their career development.          that I had to gain, rather than how I was
         You can read their full responses in our Community of Support           going to make it through the summer.”
         ( series on the                 —Alexandra Banks
         Foundation blog.
                                                                                   “Receiving the scholarship allowed me
                             “The generosity of GSA donors made it               to buy the hiking and camping gear I
                           possible for me to fully engage with the              needed for the variable and sometimes
                           field camp experience without worrying                severe Alaskan weather. I was especially
                           about my financial situation. Given that I            appreciative of the high-quality hiking
                           was chosen to receive the scholarship out             shoes I bought that kept my feet safe and
                           of a large applicant pool, I feel honored             dry during even the longest, wettest days.”
                           that the selection committee believed in my           —Lauren Livers
                           potential as a geoscientist and recognized
                           my academic efforts.” —Cissy Ming    Thank you for your generous support that helps sustain vibrant,
                                                              life-changing opportunities like these field camp scholarships.

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