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GSA Today Science Editor Changes

                           Outgoing science editor Mihai N. Ducea                Incoming science editor Jim Schmitt is
                         is a professor of geology at the University           professor emeritus of geology at Montana
                         of Arizona and also holds a courtesy                  State University. His research has focused
                         appointment at the University of Bucharest.           primarily on tectonic controls on sedimenta-
                         He received a Ph.D. at the California                 tion, depositional systems, and paleontology.
                         Institute of Technology. Ducea’s research is          He is a GSA Fellow who has served as sci-
                         aimed at understanding the links between              ence editor of Geology (2016–2020), associate
                         igneous and metamorphic petrologic pro-               editor of GSA Bulletin (2006–2009). and
                         cesses and the tectonic evolution of conti-           co-author of a GSA Special Paper (2017).
                         nents. He is interested in continental mar-           He has also served on the GSA Publications
         gin processes and conducts fieldwork at various locations in the   Committee and the Research Grants Committee and is a member of
         western North American Cordillera, the central Andes, the   the Federal Advisory Committee for the National Cooperative
         Carpathians, and southern Tibet. He runs a geochemical and   Geological Mapping Program (NCGMP).
         radiogenic isotope laboratory at the University of Arizona.
         Ducea is a GSA Fellow who has published 50 papers in GSA                Peter Copeland continues his work at sci-
         journals (Geology, GSA Today, GSA Bulletin, Geosphere, and            ence editor through Dec. 2022. He is a profes-
         Lithosphere) over the past 20 years and has co-edited a GSA           sor in the Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric
         Memoir (2015) and a GSA Special Paper (2005).                         Sciences at the University of Houston. His
                                                                               research has focused primarily on thermochro-
                                                                               nology and its application to continental tec-
                                                                               tonics. He is the author of Communicating
                                                                               Rocks: Writing, Speaking, and Thinking about
                                                                               Geology (2012, Pearson). From 2001–2004, he
                                                                               was the co-editor of the GSA Bulletin.

                                    2022 GSA Science Editors

           GSA depends on the volunteer efforts of many science editors, associate editors, and editorial board members to ensure the
           timeliness and quality of our publications.
           GSA thanks the editors whose terms ended 31 December 2021 for their service to the Society and to the science:
           Rob Strachan, GSA Bulletin; Chris Clark, Geology; Shanaka de Silva, Geosphere; and Mihai N. Ducea, GSA Today.

           Thank you to our continuing editors:  Geology, Gerald Dickens, Trinity   Please join us in welcoming the science
                                             College Dublin                     editors beginning terms this month:
           GSA books, Joan Florsheim,
           University of California, Santa Barbara  Geology, Marc D. Norman, Australian   GSA Bulletin, Mihai Ducea, University
           GSA books, Christian Koeberl,     National University                of Arizona
           University of Vienna and Natural History   Geology, Urs Schaltegger, University   Geology, Rob Strachan, University of
           Museum, Vienna                    of Geneva                          Portsmouth
           GSA books, Nancy Riggs, Northern   Geosphere, David E. Fastovsky,    Geosphere, Chris Spencer, Queen’s
           Arizona University                University of Rhode Island (appointed   University
           GSA Bulletin, Brad Singer, University   to a second term)            GSA Today, Jim Schmitt, Montana
           of Wisconsin–Madison              Geosphere, Andrea Hampel, Leibniz   State University
                                             University Hannover
           GSA Bulletin, Wenjiao Xiao, Chinese
           Academy of Sciences               GSA Today, Peter Copeland,
           Geology, Kathleen C. Benison, West   University of Houston
           Virginia University               Environmental & Engineering
                                             Geoscience, Eric Peterson,
           Geology, William Clyde, University of
           New Hampshire                     Illinois State University

                               Find the current list of editors at

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