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GSA International                                     All of the committee’s work will be accomplished during the months
         Chair (4-year term; E, M); Member-at-Large (4-year term; E,   of February and March. All decisions must be made by 1 April.
         M); Secretary (4-year term; E, M)
          Serve as GSA’s coordination and communication resource seeking   Professional Development Committee
         to promote, create, and enhance opportunities for international coop-  Two Members-at-Large (3-year term; E)
         eration related to the scientific, educational, and outreach missions   This committee directs, advises, and monitors GSA’s profes-
         shared by GSA and like-minded professional societies, educational   sional development program; reviews and approves proposals;
         institutions, and government agencies. Build collaborative relation-  recommends and implements guideline changes; and monitors the
         ships with GSA’s scientific Divisions and Associated Societies on   scientific quality of courses offered. Qualifications: Members
         international issues and serve as a channel for member-generated    must be familiar with professional development programs or have
         proposals for international themes.                   adult education teaching experience.

         Membership and Fellowship Committee                   Public Service Award Committee
         Two Members-at-Large Industry (3-year term; B); Member-at-  Member-at-Large (3-year term; B, E, M)
         Large Student (3-year term; B)                         The purpose of this committee is to generate, receive, and eval-
          This committee contributes to the growth of the GSA membership,   uate candidates for the GSA Public Service Award and the AGI
         enhances the member experience, and serves a vital role in the selec-  Outstanding Contributions to the Public Understanding of the
         tion of Fellows, with the goal of fostering a membership community   Geosciences Award. These awards are in recognition of outstand-
         as pertinent and global as our science. Committee members should   ing individual contributions to either public awareness of the earth
         understand what various segments of members want from GSA and   sciences or the scientific resolution of earth-science problems of
         should be familiar with outstanding achievers in the geosciences wor-  significant societal concern.
         thy of fellowship. Qualifications: Committee members should have
         experience in benefit, recruitment, and retention programs.   Publications Committee
                                                               Member-at-Large (4-year term; B, E, M)
         Nominations Committee                                  The primary responsibilities of the committee are nomination of
         Two Members-at-Large (3-year term; B, E)              candidates for editors when positions become vacant; reviewing the
          This committee recommends nominees to GSA Council for the   quality and health of each Society publication; and reporting annually
         positions of GSA Officers and Councilors, committee members, and   to Council including recommendations for changes in page charges,
         Society representatives to other permanent groups. Qualifications:   subsidies, or any other publishing matter on which Council must
         Members must be familiar with a broad range of well-known and   make a decision. To carry out this charge, headquarters will provide
         highly respected geoscientists.                       the committee with all necessary financial information.

         North American Commission on Stratigraphic            Research Grants Committee
         Nomenclature                                          Eleven Members-at-Large with various specialties (3-year term;
         GSA Representative (3-year term; E, M)                B, T)
          This committee develops statements of stratigraphic principles,   The primary function of this committee is to evaluate about 800
         recommends procedures applicable to classification and nomen-  graduate student research grant applications and award specific
         clature of stratigraphic and related units, reviews problems in clas-  grants to chosen recipients, including some named grants supported
         sifying and naming stratigraphic and related units, and formulates   by funds within the GSA Foundation. Qualifications: Members
         expressions of judgment on these matters. Qualifications:   may come from any sector (academia, government, industry, etc.)
         Members must be familiar with of the fields of paleontology,   and should have experience in directing research projects and in
         biostratigraphy, and stratigraphy.                    evaluating research grant applications. GSA strongly encourages
                                                               nominations of geoscientists from diverse backgrounds and institu-
         Penrose Conferences and Thompson Field Forums         tions, particularly from minority-serving institutions. Extensive
         Committee                                             time commitment required 15 Feb.–15 April. Each member
         Member-at-Large (3-year term; E)                      reviews about 40 applications. Learn more about the grants program
          This committee reviews and approves Penrose Conference and   at
         Thompson Field Forum proposals and recommends and implements
         guidelines for the success of these meetings. Qualifications:   Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal) Committee
         Committee members must be early-career scientists/professionals.  Three Members-at-Large (3-year term; E,T)
                                                                Committee members investigate the achievements of young sci-
         Penrose Medal Award Committee                         entists who should be considered for this award and make recom-
         Two Member-at-Large (3-year term; E, T)               mendations to GSA Council. Qualifications: Members should have
          Members of this committee select candidates for the Penrose   knowledge of young scientists with “outstanding achievement(s) in
         Medal Award. Emphasis is placed on “eminent research in pure    contributing to geologic knowledge through original research which
         geology, which marks a major advance in the science of geology.”   marks a major advance in the earth sciences.” All the committee’s
         Qualifications: Members should be familiar with outstanding   work will be accomplished during the months of February and
         achievers in the geosciences worthy of consideration for the honor.   March. All decisions must be made by 1 April.

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