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education in community resilience in the face be expected to teach introductory-level geo- Sciences, primarily the Departments of Earth
of natural and climate-change hazards. The science courses and direct undergraduate & Planetary Sciences and Ecology & Evolution-
successful candidate is thus expected to work research projects. ary Biology. The locus of appointments will be
across the University to build interdisciplinary Additional information about the department in a School or Department (based on a mutual
approaches to strengthen societal resilience may be found at fit between applicant experience and school/
to geological hazards, including with existing Requirements: departmental interests), but new faculty will
expertise in resilient infrastructure engineering, • Ph.D. in Geology or a related field at the time play a critical role in the development and suc-
urban planning, communications, and crisis of appointment. cess of the YCNCC.
management. To facilitate this integration, the • Demonstrated experience in teaching at the We seek candidates with outstanding pros-
successful candidate will be a core member of undergraduate level pects for research, scholarly excellence, and
the Center for Geological and Climate Hazards • Record of research, publications, and grants teaching excellence who will complement the
Advisory Committee. • Demonstrated ability or potential for working existing strengths of the Center and the par-
Minimum Qualifications: Candidates must in interdisciplinary teams ticipating university units. Applicants should
hold a doctorate in geology or a closely related The review of applications will begin January have a doctoral degree in a relevant natural sci-
field. Candidates must demonstrate excellence 4, 2022, and will continue until the position is ence or engineering field and will be expected
in research, teaching, service, and mentoring. filled. A full posting for this position and online to teach and mentor students at the graduate
Candidates should be internationally recog- application instructions are available at: https:// and undergraduate level, to develop an inter-
nized scholars as evidenced by impactful pub- emichedu/ nationally-recognized and externally-funded
lications and a sustained externally funded jobs/3312446/assistant-professor-mineralogy- research program, and to facilitate interdis-
research program. petrology-structural-geology ciplinary research and contribute to building
Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated highly Eastern Michigan University is an equal an inclusive academic environment. More-
productive and creative record in geological opportunity employer, and the institution is regu- over, as an Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor-
hazards research, including active tectonics larly recognized by U.S. News and World Report tunity employer, Yale University values diver-
(neotectonics), Earth surface hazards, and/or for its diversity. EMU is committed to building sity among its students, staff, and faculty and
volcanic hazards. a culturally diverse educational environment. strongly welcomes applications from women,
Applications must be submitted through the Women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, persons with disabilities, protected veterans,
UB Jobs website: https://www.ubjobs.buffalo and veterans are encouraged to apply. LGBTQ community members, and persons
.edu/postings/31621. Additional information and from racial/ethnic groups historically underrep-
special instructions for applications is included Full Professor and Department resented in earth and environmental sciences.
at this site. We will begin to review applications Chair, San Diego State University Applicants should submit (1) a letter of appli-
immediately and continue until the position The Department of Geological Sciences and cation, (2) a curriculum vitae including a full
is filled. Inquiries concerning these positions the Environmental Sciences Program at San list of publications, (3) a statement of teaching
should be made to Prof. Greg Valentine (gav4@ Diego State University invite applications from interests, and (4) a statement of research inter- University at Buffalo is an affirma- associate or full professors to join the depart- ests and plans, including how the applicant’s
tive action/equal opportunity employer and, in ment as a tenured full professor, either serving research program would contribute to scalable
keeping with our commitment, welcomes all to as incoming chair or expecting to serve as chair solutions for greenhouse gas reduction. Appli-
apply including veterans and individuals with in coming years. Position details and instruc- cants should also provide the names and con-
disabilities. We are particularly looking for can- tions to apply can be found at https://apply tact information of three professional references
didates who can operate effectively in a diverse Application review will who can provide letters of recommendation
community of students and faculty members begin January 24th, 2022, and continue until upon request. Applications should be submitted
and share our vision of helping all constituents the position is filled. Questions about the posi- online at For infor-
reach their full potential within a professional cul- tion may be directed to mation regarding the YCNCC visit our website
ture that values equity, diversity, and inclusion. SDSU is an equal opportunity/Title IX employer. at
natural-carbon-capture. Questions regarding
Assistant Professor, Mineralogy/ Tenure-Track Faculty Cluster the faculty search can be sent to ycncc@yale
Petrology/Structural Geology, Search, Yale Center for Natural .edu. Review of applications will begin Janu-
ary 7, 2022.
Eastern Michigan University Carbon Capture, Yale University
The Department of Geography and Geology at The Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture
Eastern Michigan University is seeking appli- (YCNCC) invites applications for up to four Assistant Professor, University of
cations for a tenure-track faculty position at tenure-track appointments, at any rank (assis- Miami
the assistant professor level in mineralogy, tant, associate, or full professor) in the natural The Department of Marine Geosciences at the
petrology, and/or structural geology with an sciences. The focus of the Center is to foster Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric
expected start date of Fall 2022. research on carbon capture and greenhouse Science (RSMAS), University of Miami, invites
The candidate will be expected to: (1) be gas reduction using ecological and geologi- applications for a tenure-track Assistant Pro-
committed to excellence in teaching in the cal approaches. Areas of interest include, but fessor position in Geological Sciences (broadly
classroom, the research lab, and the field, (2) are not restricted to conservation, restoration, defined) focusing on Earth’s structure, prop-
conduct an active research program in miner- and management of forest and grassland eco- erties, and processes. To build on our exist-
alogy, petrology and/or structural geology, (3) systems; blue carbon; agricultural practices; ing strengths in this area, we aim to recruit an
be able to contribute enthusiastically to both enhanced silicate weathering; and ocean alka- accomplished and innovative scientist whose
the intellectual and collegial life of the depart- linity enhancement. We encourage applicants work in the geosciences brings expertise in any
ment, and (4) be committed to working with a from disciplines as diverse as ecology, plant of our core research areas, including hydro-
diverse student and community population. physiology, soil science, geochemistry, petrol- geology, structural geology, sedimentology,
Instruction responsibilities include teaching ogy, sedimentology, earth and biogeochemical geochemistry, paleoceanography, geophys-
upper-level undergraduate courses in Mineral- system modeling, and physical, chemical, and ics, and remote sensing. Candidates with a
ogy and Petrology; ability to teach Structural biological oceanography. The search is a part- vision for developing an interdisciplinary
Geology and Global Tectonics is preferred but nership between the Center, the Yale School research program bridging our core research
not required. Additionally, the candidate will of the Environment, and the Faculty of Arts & areas are especially encouraged to apply. The 49