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Print Your Compass: Using 3D

                                 Printed Geological Compasses for

                                 Teaching and Research Purposes

         Antoine Triantafyllou, Lyon Geology Laboratory—Earth, Planets and Environment (LGL-TPE), Université Lyon 1, ENS de Lyon, CNRS,
         UMR 5276, Villeurbanne, France;

         MOTIVATION                          creation networks in academic institutions   precision of 2°), and Part 4 is graduated
          A geological compass is an essential tool   and/or universities (Hasiuk, 2014; de Lamotte   from 0 to 360° for azimuth measurement
         in the geologist’s field kit. It is used in vari-  et al., 2020; Reynolds et al., 2020).   respective to north (with a precision of 1°).
         ous geosciences disciplines, including geo-  This paper aims to provide detailed 3D   Graduations can be directly printed onto
         logical mapping and structural geology.   plans of compass pieces, guidelines for   plexiglass pieces or as transparent flipped
         The past decade has seen the emergence   printing materials, magnets and pivot sys-  vinyl stickers placed on their inner side.
         of digital geological compasses through   tem, and validating the accuracy of printed   Small nylon screws  are used to fix these
         excellent smartphone or tablet apps (e.g.,   compasses. I hope that such initiatives will   windows to the main part of the PYC com-
         FieldMove Clino, eGeoCompass, Stereonet   allow students from their first degree to   pass. Part 5 comprises two levels and the
         Mobile), the reliability of which has been   master’s level, teachers, and geoscientists in   casing of the PYC compass. One rounded
         demonstrated for teaching and research   general, to print their geological compass at   level (15 mm in diameter and 8 mm in
         purposes (e.g., Novakova and Pavlis, 2019;   a lowered cost, adapted to their specific   height) can be embedded on the front side of
         Lundmark et al., 2020). Although these dig-  needs, and with sustainable manufacturing.  the PYC compass to enable levelling, along
         ital compasses are highly ergonomic and                                with a second cylindrical level on the side of
         have greatly improved the  speed and the   HOW TO PRINT YOUR COMPASS   the  PYC  compass to  improve  finding  the
         rate of data collection (Zobl et al., 2007;   The PYC compass (v.0.94) presented in   line of slope on a planar structure. The pro-
         Allmendinger et al., 2017), it is essential   Figure 1A is designed in five modules. Part   tection case, printed here in a flexible resin
         that undergraduate students learn how ana-  1 is the core of the compass, printed here   (thermoplastic polyurethane), is designed to
         log geological compasses work and how to   using Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) in   laterally slide the PYC compass in it and act
         use them to characterize the orientation of   rigid Nylon Polyamide (PA12) with a print-  as a shock absorber. The whole compass is
         given geological structures (i.e., foliations,   ing resolution <80 µm. The front side of   10 × 10 × 2.3 cm in size and weighs less
         lineations, or a combination of both) and   Part 1 is made of a cylindrical cavity embed-  than 0.25 kg. It can be easily disassembled,
         transcribing this information in the right   ding the precision compass, and the back   and each of the constitutive pieces can be
         format in a notebook. What is the minimum   side is marked by a circular gully in which a   replaced. The 3D models can be found in
         requirement for a geological compass? It   2-mm-wide brass ball will be used as a cli-  the supplemental material  or here: https://
         must be equipped with a clinometer, a pre-  nometer. Part 2 comprises the magnet and   skfb .ly/opCJY. These are licensed under
         cision magnetometer—ideally with a fixed   pivot system. It is made of a pile of three   a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
         circular graduation—a measuring refer-  stacked pieces printed using SLS–PA12   International License (CC BY 4.0).
         ence trench, and a bubble level. Various   (Fig. 1A) in which a brass pivot and four
         geological compasses are available on the   Nd-magnets (15 mm long × 3 mm in diam-  VALIDATING THE PYC COMPASS
         market (e.g., Brunton, Freiberg, Topochaix   eter) are enclosed. The magnet and pivot   ACCURACY IN THE FIELD
         brands) with several models in different   system is ultimately stacked and sealed by   I tested the PYC compass in the  field
         price ranges. Nevertheless, equipping large   two vertical nylon screws. The magnet and   and  compared  measurements against  reli-
         student groups with robust, accurate, semi-   pivot system is balanced on a brass nail   able compasses, including the Topochaix
         to fully professional models of geological   crossing Part 1 vertically. Part 3 and Part 4   Universelle compass and the FieldMove
         compasses still represents  a  significant   are the closing windows placed on each side   Clino app running on a Samsung S7 smart-
         cost. This is why I initiated the PYC (Print   of the PYC compass. They both consist of a   phone. The test was conducted on the
         Your Compass) project, building upon the   2-mm-thick and 80-mm-side square plexi-  Moulin de Cezinieux orthogneissic unit
         emergence of affordable digital fabrication   glass window. They are crucial parts of the   located in the northern Pilat region (eastern
         tools such as 3D printing, which is particu-  compass as they display the graduations for   French Massif Central; Fig. 1B). This out-
         larly facilitated by the development of   precise measurements. Part 3 comes with   crop is made of low-dipping metamorphic
         shared  workspaces  such as  FabLabs  and   inclination degrees from 0 to 90° (with a   foliations from the late Hercynian orogenic

         GSA Today, v. 32, CC-BY-NC.

         1 Supplemental Material. 3D models (as .obj filetype) for each part of the PYC compass. For more details about these files, please contact the author: antoine.triantafyllou@ Go to to access the supplemental material; contact with any questions.

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