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Figure 1. (A) Disassembly view of the “Print Your Compass” (PYC) 3D models. (B) Field picture showing the outcrop on which the PYC compass was tested.
         The outcrop displays an augen orthogneiss massif with foliations slightly dipping to the NNW, itself crosscut by late joints and faulted structures. Lower
         left is a sketch map of the French basement in blue locating the French Massif Central and the investigated outcrop (yellow star). (C) Two columns of
         comparative Stereonet plots. The first column shows measurement of the subvertical joints and faults, the second shows the measurement of foliations.
         Poles of planes are shown with the average value as a blank square. Rose diagrams show the distribution of strikes’ azimuths. These plots were done
         using the Geolokit app (Triantafyllou et al., 2017).

         collapse (e.g., Gardien et al., 2021). These   strike direction trends to N339.6 ± 1.5°, and   REFERENCES CITED
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                                              The author acknowledges support from the Uni-
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